Saturday, August 31, 2019

Porsche Exposed

Porsche 1. How does Porsche differ – operating structure, financial results, etc. – from other major European-based auto manufacturers? To begin with Porsche is a privately owned company controlled by the Porsche and Piech family. They hold all the 8. 75 million voting shares while mainly large institutional investors hold the other 8. 75 million non-voting shares. Despite the fact that stock exchange and analysts’ requests more frequent and more detailed financial reporting Porsche is not willing to meet these needs. Another questionable input is the management compensation that only depend on Porsches profitability from year to year and not the share prices. Porsche manufacturing is conducted in German but also in Finland which make them a global brand with a cost base mainly in euro. They want to keep it so despite the fact that 42% of its revenues come from sales in the US since they believe that the heart of the brand comes from its performance in manufacturing and engineering. Porsche is therefore, by far the most exposed company among other European-based auto manufactures to changes in exchange rates. While the other manufacturers increase their amount of natural hedging by conducting more manufacturing in their countries of large sales Porsche increase their put option hedging. According to their 2006 model year they are going to fully hedged all their sales. This is done even though Porsche has the largest US exposure among the manufactures. Their hedging strategy has been criticized for being more lucky than thoughtful. Porsche also differ with their extreme anti-debt attitude. Porsche have a strong competitive position and another aspect that is very specific for Porsche’s products is the exchange rate pass-through. They pass through the changes of exchange rate upon the final consumer. 2. Describe Porsche’s foreign exchange operating (economic) exposure. How has the company been managing this exchange rate exposure? Porsche’s exposure to the US is currently 42 % of it sales and this numbers are believed to increase with increasing sales. The sales’ to the UK market is also relatively large with 11 %. Therefore the largest exposures are towards the dollar and the pound. Porsche is not using any natural hedging even though this type of â€Å"hedging† is increasing among other major European-based manufactures. Porsche use an aggressive put option strategy to hedge against the US dollars and according to their model year of 2006 they are going to be fully hedged against their sales. They will achieve this by a three year rolling portfolio of put option contracts whit prices based on currency forecasts. 3. What methods are theoretically available to Porsche to manage or hedge its currency exposure? Why have these other methods not been used? If Porsche believe that their sales in US will prevail high they could do as the other manufacturers and start producing their cars in the US. If they do so they will match their sales with their costs in a beneficial way and that is how natural hedging is conducted. This procedure is probably quit costly to conduct but on the other hand this might create dollar debt that they could match their sales to as well. There is always a chance that this would affect the manufacturing and engineering skills. Another alternative that were very specific for Porsche’s products is the pass through of changes in exchange rate to the final consumer. Porsches has an approach to non debt but they could in fact use currency swaps to match their underlying exposure. But I don’t really know if Porsche has any debt that they could swap. 4. So, all things considered, what do you think of Porsche’s hedging program and strategy? What do you think they should do? I understand why Porches currency strategy has been widely criticized even though it has done very well. It must be a very expensive strategy to keep up and as the criticism has stated there is a belief that Porsche has been more lucky than skilled in their hedging. But what if they haven’t? I really think they should re-consider their no-debt statement to realize that there might be other valuable and less costly strategies out there. It feels like they just remember that they couldn’t lend money when they needed and not the fact that they lost a lot of money. This aspect could happen again if their predictions’ about the future is wrong. There is also always a risk when hedging all of the exposure but this need’ to be weighted to the win of hedging all of the exposure. Maybe there is a change that they could use a collar, swaps, loans or new manufacturing positions in their hedging. The magic is to find a suitable approach to match the exposure of the sales.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Create Your Own School Essay

A public schools’ job is to create a standardized environment for students of the general population; however, public schools don’t always meet the needs of the students. Charter schools exist to meet the needs of the students and are more open to parental involvement and local control over state and bureaucracies’ control. However, â€Å"charter schools may deter some minority, poor, and working families from seeking enrollment by requiring them to complete volunteer hours and failing to provide transportation and free lunches to eligible students† (Schnaiberg 2000). My school I create will take the benefits of public schools and the benefits of charter schools to create an emphasis on individual learning and respect for cultural diversity. My school offers students in preschool through twelfth grade, an extended school day and longer school year, because most of December is off. My secular school is founded on respecting and encouraging other religions t hus the school works around religious holidays, creating all secular and religious holidays off days. School is in session September 3rd through June 20th. Students in early childhood education program and kindergarten are in class Monday-Friday 7:30am-12:30 pm. Students in first through fifth are in class Monday-Friday 7:00am-4:45 pm. Students in sixth through eighth are in class Monday-Friday 6:45am-4:45 pm. Students in ninth through twelfth are in class Monday-Friday 6am-12:30 pm. Students in ninth through twelfth grade are required to have a Monday-Friday work experience internship; students under sixteen have an on-campus internship (1-4pm), while students over sixteen have an off-campus internship (1:30-4:30pm). My school’s goals are to have students by the end of twelfth grade be able to understand and comprehend at or near college level. In addition, students will learn three languages (English, Spanish, and another), read music sheets, be able to play a musical instrument or sing, have life skills, and have a knowledge of the diverse world we live in. All students pre school through twelfth grade will learn English composition, math, science, grammar, social sciences, geography, reading, literature, foreign languages, visual/performing arts (music, art, theatre, and dance), cultural diversity, U.S. government/economy, and physical education. Middle school students will learn speech: interpersonal communication, small group communication, argumentation, intercultural communication, public speaking, and forensics/debate. Middle school and high school students will learn required electives: basic life skills, introduction to computers, cultures of the world, nutrition/health/safety/careers, life skills, philosophy/religions/cultural anthropology, and human sexuality/anatomy/physiology. My school’s goals are to have students prepared for college and/or having a job as well as serving in the community. In addition to a work experience internship, high school students are required to take personal electives, which are any additional high school electives taken through the local community college or 30 units of college units though AP, CLEP, Dantes, etc. Middle school students are required to take personal electives, which are any additional middle school electives that are high school level. All students sixth through twelfth are required to complete community service to graduate and achieve units (10 units=20 hrs). Middle school students are required to complete at least sixty hours of community service and high school students are required to complete at least eighty hours of community service to graduate. Middle school students are required 360 units to graduate including personal electives and community service; high school students are required 520 units to graduate including personal electives, work internship, and community service. Summer school is required for middle school and high school students. Students are required at least twenty units. Repertory and accelerated classes available. My school holds a high sta ndard for the teachers as well for the students. Students are expected to behave, strive for excellence, respect others, have a good character, and be willing to learn, while the faculty is expected to do the same. â€Å"Most charter schools do not require their teachers to be certified† (Borsa 1999). However, my school requires all teachers K-5th to hold a Teaching Credential and a Masters Degree and teachers 6th-12th are required to hold a Masters or Doctoral Degree in the area they teach. My school promotes a healthy life style, school uniforms, and parent involvement. Parents are required to pay one fee that covers all school material, lunches, schools uniforms, field trips, and other necessary items. The food at my school, which is free, and healthy, that means no soft drinks, cookies, candy, chips, or any other junk food; all birthdays at school will be celebrated without unhealthy food. Parents are encouraged to eat healthy and show students healthy life styles. Students are required to wear a school uniform, a short-sleeved tee shirt with school logo and black pants/shorts/dress/skirt or for formal attire is long-sleeved shirt and black pants/shorts /dress/skirt. The shirt will have a color to represent a grade: Pre-K: Pink, K: Purple 1st: Blue, 2nd: Turquoise, 3rd: Green, 4th: Light Green, 5th: Yellow, 6th: Orange, 7th: Red, 8th: Maroon, 9th: Brown, 10th: Black, 11th: Gray, and 12th: White. Like the school uniform, backpacks will be in the color of the school uniform and have the students name on it. My school has no state standardized tests, but the use of state standards. Instead students are required to test into each grade through a test that measures their cognitive and behavioral level. The complete cognitive test has twenty-seven essays and 2030 multiple choice/true-false questions, which is two essays and 140 or 150 questions per grade. The cognitive test measures what the student should know by the end of each grade. Students can challenge an exam if they feel the grade or class they are in doesn’t reflect their abilities. In addition, students are required to take a â€Å"test out exam â€Å"in each subject. It serves as a measure for student learning, and an evaluation for teachers and parents. This exam is compared to the â€Å"test in exam† and options for tutoring/after school help for struggling students. If student doesn’t score higher than 80 percent on an exam, they won’t be promoted to the next class or grade unless they successfully retake the exam. The exam can be retaken twice before the student must repeat a grade of class. My school doesn’t use the Standard Letter Grade, but gives students the option for it. Instead of standard letter grades, students in K-5 will have a grade of Pass (B- or higher in Standard Letter Grade) or No Pass (C+ or lower in Standard Letter Grade). Then 6-12th grade students will have the option of keeping their grades in Pass/No Pass or having standard letter grades. (Students will be put on Academic Probation if their GPA reaches 2.99 or below.) Behavior, class participation, in-class work for students K-12 will be graded in O=Outstanding, E=Exceeds Expectations, A=Acceptable, P=Passing, N=Needs Improvement. Each week behavior and participation reports are sent home so parents can see how their student’s behavior and participation improves or becomes a problem. Teachers and parents go over the child’s portfolio, which includes tests, papers, art, quizzes, and other in-class material each quarter. At the end of the year students evaluate their own work and other’s work in the portfolio. The student, the teacher, other studen ts, and the parent grade the portfolio like pieces of art are evaluated at an art gallery. My school gives students the option of independent study or regular classroom learning in middle school and high school. All preschool through twelfth grade students are put in their cognitive level and in small classrooms of twenty students of less; however, middle school and high school students have the option of regular class or packets. In regular class students participate in in-class assignments, quizzes, and tests; students must earn homework and extra credit. Students must have at least 240 points out of 300 to pass each quarter; otherwise the quarter will be repeated in packets. In a packets class or independent study students come to class participate and take in-class quizzes and tests; however, class work is done in packets. Students must have an A- or higher to move on to the next packet. Packets are allowed to be taken home and are equivalent to one week of regular class in-class work; only Physical Education, Speech, Science Lab, and Visual/Performing Arts are not allowed to be taken in packets. The packets are recommended for students who are ill, on religious holidays, etc., which prevent them from attending class. In addition, all students on holiday (December) have the option of completing packets for credit and completing quizzes and tests online with a proctor; the packet requires an A- or better to move on. Overall, my school focuses on creating an emphasis on individual learning and respect for cultural diversity; however, there are intuitional and individual barriers. Intuitional barriers will arise when parents who aren’t secular will try to implement their beliefs into the curriculum, but this school offers a well-rounded approach to learning not faith-based learning. In addition, problems may arise when parents try to control what the child learns and what they become; parents are encouraged to let their children be good at what they are good at. Small class sizes and indivualized learning can cause problems for students and parents who want a more mainstreamed education. Students may feel it is too hard for them, but this school is meant to be challenging in academics, but not in socializing. Since there will be intuitional and individual barriers, parents and teachers are encouraged to be open and discuss any problems and look for what is in the best interest of the child. My belief is that education should offer students prepare students for life outside of education. I provided a school that offers students an extended school day and longer school year and summer school to keep kids out of trouble and respect religious beliefs. My school has educated students prepared for college and/or having a job as well as serving in the community. In addition, I provided a school that promotes a healthy life style, school uniforms, individual learning, good behavior, options in learning, and parent involvement. The goal of my school is to prepare and educate students to learn and be the best they can be in whatever they are good at. This charter school will create an emphasis on individual learning and respect for cultural diversity and more. Although this charter school will have intuitional and individual barriers, the school will provide more positive learning than a negative one. References Borsa, J., Ahmed, M., & Perry, K. (August 1999). Charter School Goverence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Jackson Hole, WY. ED 436 856. Schnaiberg, L. (2000). Charter schools: Choice, diversity may be at odds. Education Week, 19(35), 1, 18-20.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Biography of Sidney Poitier

In 1967, a press conference with Sidney Poitier, at that time one of the most successful and popular American actors and certainly the most famous African-American actor, turned from his many roles on screen and stage and became something else entirely.Due to a rash of racial riots across the nation at that time, Poitier was asked pointed questions concerning whether or not he was in favor of the racial riots, his theories on segregation, and other racially oriented topics (Goudsouzian).It was at that point that something happened which changed the course of Poitier’s life as well as the role of African-Americans everywhere- rather than avoid the question, turn the focus back to his fame or storm off in a rage, Poitier came to the realization that it was impossible for him to separate his status as an entertainment icon from his obligation to use his fame to advance the cause of minority rights in America.   Since then, Poitier has done just that.This research will discuss A ram Goudsouzian’s pivotal 2004 biography of Sidney Poitier, not only as a review of this book, but also in an effort to try to better understand how and why Poitier has become one of the most influential African Americans since the end of Civil War.Author’s PurposeWhen gaining a better understanding of why Goudsouzian chose Poitier as the subject of his book, one not only gains an understanding of the author’s purpose in writing the book, but also a grasp of the major social and historical issues that are tackled through a book which is biographical at its core, but becomes much more expansive as it unfolds.First, one must realize that Goudsouzian is not a biographer by nature, but in fact is a history writer, which is why Poitier was chosen as the subject of the book.By choosing a pivotal historic African-American who bridges the gap between the faà §ade of Hollywood and the real world of the urban streets of the nation, Goudsouzian has been able to tell not o nly the story of the struggles of an ambitious African-American man coming of age in the racially charged 1950s and 1960s, but also of a man who parlayed his fame not into a mere vehicle for his own enrichment, but to try to aid and support his entire race.Goudsouzian’s Central ThemeEarlier, the point was made that Goudsouzian’s book is much more than biography or history, but is rather a powerful combination of the two.   Looking beyond this assertion, it is also interesting to explore the central theme of the book, which can fairly be identified in one word-perseverance.For Poitier, perseverance has meant the constant jumping of hurdles, placed in front of him by a society which still wrestles with the issue of equality for African-Americans, even decades after the strife which advanced African-Americans significantly, and almost a century and a half after a bloody Civil War which settled the issue of African-American freedom once and for all.   For African-Ameri cans in general, it would seem that Goudsouzian paints perseverance as a struggle to gain equal footing with the mainstream of America.This being said, however, a fair critique of Goudsouzian’s approach is in order.   It would seem that the author is too quick to always portray Poitier, and African-Americans as perpetual underdogs who never gain any significant ground.However, in truth, much progress has been made in cause of racial equality, while keeping in mind of course that there is much progress yet to come.   Goudsouzian could have presented a bit more of a balance in his contrast.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Nations and States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nations and States - Essay Example With Europe as its epicentre, nationalism was mooted as the collective geo-political representation of a race (ethnicity) of people. Another feature of most modern nation-states is their capitalist orientation, although it was less pronounced in the 19th century. (Cottam & Cottam, 2001) The modern state is defined by a few key characteristics: contiguous territory, salaried bureaucrats, common administration, representative government, etc. It is fair to claim that this model of governance has prevailed ever since its development in the mid-19th century. While the French Revolution was the initial spark which promoted the idea of nationalism, the concept has evolved and adapted in the ensuing decades. But one clear marker of the modern nation-state is its resolute opposition to traditional forms of authority. At the same time some nationalisms have followed an authoritarian path. Usually, this is witnessed in countries where religious conservatism is prevalent. (Gilbert & Helleiner, 1999) Another defining feature of nation-states is the shared bonds of language and culture among citizens. New technologies of communication have somewhat helped in consolidating national identities. But the challenge of many nation-states today is in accommodating diversity of thought, language and culture in political discourse. Political scientists talk of in and out groups with reference to national minorities. There has been a painful history of conflict as fledgling nations were developing their national identity. The conflict between Muslims and Greeks & Jews and Christians in the final years of the Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey), are cases in point. The strife between Han Chinese and the Manchu ethic group is another painful episode of nation formation. In Western Europe, the widespread ostracism of Jews was a major problem. (Ersoy et. al, 2010) The tragic event of the holocaust goes on to show how ethnic conflict can escalate in magnitude.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Midterm 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Midterm 2 - Essay Example There are certainly more preferences that he can keep track of. Develop a problem definition for Steve, as discussed in the Session Five lecture notes and readings. The problem definition for Steve would consist of a list of the problems which he wants to address. In this case it the behavior of the customers and their preferences. He needs to keep track of the customer’s behavior, what they order, what they like, type of customers that walk in and the timings at which they prefer to be served. The objective for Steve in this case is to get as much information as possible about the customers so he can match his service to their requirements. The objective in this case is the enhancement of services based on customer needs. The issue is important for Steve since he is spending on his business to make it better. At present the most critical objectives are to gather relevant and accurate information regarding customer behavior and interpreting it so that the quality of service can be improved based on customer needs. B. You are going to interview the local manager of LDI, a national tire retailer, who has asked you to work as a system analyst on a management information system to provide inventory information. Here are five questions you wrote to prepare for the meeting: C. You are a project manager at L & D Inc., specialized in information technology and network engineering. One of your junior systems analyst came to you for an advice of a technology to capture user information requirements. He described to you that he had talked with his client several times in the past week to define user information requirements. Each time he thought he had captured user information requirements, they’ve already changed. Finally, he thinks his clients do not even know what they want for their system. Give your junior systems analyst an advice of a technology that he could use to capture user information requirements and

The Influence of Globalization as Exampled through the Silk Road Essay

The Influence of Globalization as Exampled through the Silk Road - Essay Example The roads also provided routes for conquest and violence, reorganizing boundaries. While there was a brief period of conquest such as the Mongolian invasion, during the 13th century the majority of exchange along the Silk Road was peaceful. The Silk Road provided a pathway for journeys that can be compared to today’s globalization as the distribution of information and commerce becomes a part of a system of interactions between nations. The Silk Road was the method of creating international trade before the notion of sea travel took over as a means towards expanding resource opportunities. Through international trade, a population has the potential to acquire luxury items from a distance through trade with other centers of population. The Silk Road created a connection between nations, spanning Europe in the Mediterranean Sea area, through Persia and into China and Korea, and then down into the Java area, back through India, Arabia, down to Somalia, and then back up through Eg ypt, using water routes that were not too far from destinations and the shoreline. Christian discusses the vast number of roles, such as teachers, pilgrims as well as merchants that occurred through the existence of the large numbers of trade opportunities within the ancient and medieval worlds. The trade routes provided for a complete and complex world that interconnected the African and Asian worlds with Europe, creating a great deal of technological development and influence.1 Despite modern contexts of understanding about the divisions between the West and the East, with a disconnected idea about Africa as a part of the development of Western society, these trade routes created deep influences and a great amount of world development that would eventually affect the New World as it was developed in the second millennia. Palmyra and Petra, as an example, were centers of art which flowed into the lower regions of Europe, influencing the development of artistic motifs in the West. A s well, the concept of coins for trade was developed in Anatolia, which spread through the Silk Road worlds, including the Mediterranean. There were a great number of types of items that were traded along these routes of trade, but the reason that they were called the ‘Silk Road’ is because of the rich resources of silk that were available. Silk was developed at a very early time period within Asia and became a highly valued commodity for trade. Patterned silks are available from the regions of Persia and India from the 6th century, located in tombs that archaeologists have retrieved and been able to examine for the methods of weaving. Chinese silks are not readily available for modern study and are known primarily through literary referencing from that time period.2 Many of the problems with studying the ancient world is that so much is dependent upon reports, rather than through physical and tangible evidence. Because many nations appeared to have mastered the creatio n of silk fabric after the 6th century, it is likely that increases in trade occurred after that time, allowing samples and the technology to be transferred throughout the region.3 There are a great number of examples that explain the value of silk. There is little evidence that India held it as a valued commodity, but a great number of examples that show that China believed it to have great value. Xinru

Monday, August 26, 2019

Lightning protection of photo-voltaic Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Lightning protection of photo-voltaic - Thesis Example There is a direct relation between the efficiency of a photovoltaic array and its surface area. As a result, the potential influence of lightning emergencies goes up with system capacity. The place where lighting incidents are repeated, unprotected PV devices can possibly undergo continued and considerable damage to vital parts. This leads to extensive maintenance and substitution costs, system downtime and the loss of money. Adequately engineered, predetermined and added surge protection devices reduce the prospective effect of lighting situations if employed in combination with fully optimized lightning protection devices. To make the most of the photovoltaic systems, they must be installed in an open, large and unobstructed place. If the area is prone to lightning effects, then the photovoltaic systems must be provided Lightning Protection devices to eliminate the risk of failure of the PV array. A critical issue for photovoltaic (PV) array administrators is machine deterioration attributable to straight-through or indirect lightning attacks. Destruction from these types of situations has the probability to render a PV set up, not in working condition for a couple of days or even presumably several weeks, triggering electricity interruption and financial drawdowns. To clear of the detrimental effects of lightning attacks, lightning protection systems need to be put at the inverter at different additional spots in the PV field. Photovoltaic systems are primarily used as a source of electrical power to run household devices, light bulbs, industrial tools and air conditioners for all sorts of organizations. By means of self-contained designs and the consumption of battery power, it can also be perfect for isolated territories where there is no electrical energy supply. The photovoltaic energy providing systems are installed on the ground, mounted on the top of the buildings or created into building elements in the course of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to Prepare for Your Final Exams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How to Prepare for Your Final Exams - Essay Example Before, the beginning of examinations, the student should set certain goals which he likes to achieve or reflect on the examination results. Subsequently, all the efforts should be made to attain those predetermined goals. The goals should be realistic ones. In other words, the student should never set goals which are beyond his capabilities. There are many students who struggle to get even the desired grades in the final examinations because of the unrealistic goals just before the examinations. It is difficult for an average student to achieve first grade even if he tries extremely hard during the final examinations. If he wants to achieve first grade he should begin his preparations at the beginning of the course itself. When it comes to preparations of final examinations, different students opt for different ways. However, there are some general principles which are followed by the majority of the students while they prepare for their final examinations. First, it is better to start examination preparations as early as possible in order to avoid problems later. Early preparations help the student to avoid stress and anxiety with respect to final examinations. Majority of the students fail to perform well in final examinations because of their anxiety and stress related to the outcomes of the examination. Self-assessment of the level of knowledge in each subject is the second step in the preparations of final examinations. Before the beginning of the preparations, the student should decide which subjects need more attention and which subjects need less attention since he is the only one who knows his mastery in different subjects very well. Time management is the third and most important step in the preparations for final examinations. More time should be allocated to difficult subjects and less time should be allocated to easy subjects.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business decision making - Essay Example taff training on principles and techniques of table service, table setting, buffet services, styles of services and other arrangements that even includes enabling their staff to classify characteristics of spirits, wines and beer on their beverages, they have discovered that though customers are satisfied with the service, they do not have loyal clients or clients that go back primarily because they are satisfied with the correct care that they get. Customer service (also know as client service) is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). In the case of Rostos Tavern, customer service meant letting the clients recognize the superiority and the high value that they maintain on space and quality including the meticulous details to all their services. In a nutshell what management is doing is proving to the customer that they are indeed first class. However, the likelihood that customer go there out of curiosity only, or merely to find out if this is so, should not be discounted. Or the chance that a repeat customer bringing along some friends is an attestation that these are indeed loyal customers, might be an obscure interpretation because they might just want to substantiate what they tell their friends about the place. Our study is to find out how to make clients come back not primarily because of the ambiance and the meticulous attendance to details (for that is what is expected from any so called first class restaurants), but because they are so attached to it from the satisfaction they get every time they visit the place. This has indeed a very strong influence to customer service supporters, using them to train especially their frontline representative. But, however useful it may serve, service in not just about how an individual representative reacts to an individual customer; it’s about how the company as a whole reacts to its customers (Traci Entel, Sarah Grayson, Nathan Huttner;

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Research Methods - Essay Example Consequently, I researched the course of the corset and found that every period made improvements and adjustments to it. Corsets from the 11th century are different from those found during the Victorian fashion but serve the same purpose. I also realized the significant part of rope art in corsets, which reminded me of the rope artist Hajime Kinoko. His work triggered thoughts about tie and dye and Japanese Shibori and Chinese short foot. The pain involved Chinese short foot reminded me of face surgery, which is a modern form of cruel beauty. The V-line face surgery provoked thoughts of its similarity to the human pelvis bone, which I like. However, my connection to cruel beauty was strong because I draw Japanese style tattoos. Although not all women get tattoos, many undergo cruel beauty by wearing high-heeled shoes all the time. All these thoughts made me decide on the following elements as the focus of my project Qualitative and quantitative forms of research are the main methods of research (Seivewright, 3). Quantitative data collection often concerns facts and statistics used in regression analysis, correlation analysis, SWOT analysis, and other forms of analyses that large corporations require to advance their business. Data collection is large scale and often occurs after a qualitative analysis. On the other hand, qualitative seeks to understand the non-quantifiable elements of an issue by uncovering widespread trends in opinion and thought. Qualitative research seemed more suitable for the project in comparison to Quantitative research. Qualitative research is cheaper and convenient under the current circumstances. I did not have the resources to fund a full-fledged research. Data collection in qualitative research includes b) In-depth Interviews: data on the interviewee’s personal history, opinion, or experience is collected. It is best for one on one interview because the interviewer has an opportunity to explore sensitive topics. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Social survey Essay Example for Free

Social survey Essay Diabetes is the seventh major cause of death in the United States of America. Diabetes is a condition that arises from the inability of the body to produce insulin or to utilize it appropriately. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for converting blood glucose into a more body friendly form called glycogen. When the body’s ability to convert glucose to glycogen is compromised there is an increase in the blood glucose levels. This is detrimental to the health of an individual because, it causes extensive damage to the blood capillaries resulting to a myriad of other diseases. These include blindness, kidney diseases, amputation of the limbs especially the lower extremities and heart diseases (Aubert, 1995). In 2008, CDC announced that more than 23 million individuals who live in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes. This depicts a three million increase over a period of two years. In addition to this, more than fifty seven million Americans have pre diabetes. More than five million people in the United States have diabetes and they do not know it. This means that doctors often diagnose it when it is too late. This results to the large number of deaths that arise from it (Joslin, 2008). The prevalence of diabetes among minority populations is even higher due to the social inequalities they experience when it comes to medical care. Genetical make up has also been associated with diabetes (Cheta, 1999). African Americans have a 60% higher chance when compared to Caucasians while Hispanics are the most predisposed with more than 90% increased chance. On average, Hispanics have twice the risk of developing diabetes as compared to the white population. Native Americans and Alaskan Natives living in America had extremely alarming rates with more than 16% of the entire population suffering from diabetes. These rates are also evident in children especially teenagers. Researchers identified that in the children they assessed form 1990 to 1995; more than 30% had pre diabetes. This is mainly due to the changes in lifestyle with most American children living sedentary lives with little or no physical exercise. There is a very high correlation between obesity, diabetes, coronary diseases and hypertension among all the ages in the American population. All effort must be therefore geared towards campaigns that will inform and create awareness among the American population especially the young so that there can be a lifestyle revolution to uproot these diseases from the society (Krasnegor, 1990). There is an increase in the efforts of the government and the health practitioners to reduce these rates especially among the younger generation. The best approach is to create awareness to the population regarding diabetes and create collective responsibility that will hopefully result to behavior change. In addition to this the government has been putting a lot of effort to impart knowledge among the citizens on the best methods of managing diabetes (Betteridge, 2000). This study will assess the information that the youth have regarding the causes and prevention of diabetes. Statement of the Problem According to the CDC results, diabetes rates have continued to soar over the last two years. There is an increased incidence at the rate of diabetes in children. Majority of the children in America have pre diabetes, a condition that largely predisposes them to diabetes. Regardless of the race and the social status diabetes, needs to be addressed by everyone. This social survey is therefore very timely as it seeks to find out how much information the youth have regarding to preventing and managing diabetes and how much of these strategies they are implementing on their day to day activities. In order to bring these high rates of diabetes down, it is important to assess the lifestyle of the teenage population and how much information they have regarding the control and the management of diabetes. From these findings the government can prescribe the most effective way of addressing the situation. Objectives of the study †¢ To assess how much information the American teenagers have regarding diabetes. †¢ To determine whether the youth are actively participating in fighting diabetes. †¢ To compare the information that teenagers from different races have. †¢ To determine how much teenagers are emulating from their parents in regard to exercise and diet Research questions How many American teenagers know about the relationship between obesity, coronary diseases, hypertension and diabetes? How many Americans teenagers have been diagnosed with diabetes? Are American teenagers aware of the causes of diabetes? Who American teenagers think as the most likely age group to have diabetes? How much correct information do American teenagers have concerning diabetes? Are American teenagers doing anything to prevent diabetes? 23 million individuals who live in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes. This depicts a three million increase over a period of two years. In addition to this, more than fifty seven million Americans have pre diabetes. More than five million people in the United States have diabetes and they do not know it. This means that doctors often diagnose it when it is too late. This results to the large number of deaths that arise from it (AMA, 2007). Minority populations have experienced majority of these increases. Mexican populations that reside in the United States researchers have reported a sharp increase in child hood diabetes. Researchers have long blamed genetic make up for this predisposition although a recent study indicated that the high blood pressure rates in African Americans are not reflected in West Africa where they originated from. This means that lifestyle is mainly to blame for the predisposition. Obesity is similarly higher in the Hispanic and African American populations. It is the major factor that is triggering the high rates of diabetes and high blood pressure. Research has indicated that the rates of obesity are rapidly increasing among young children and adolescents. African Americans Caucasians and Hispanics teenagers are the most predisposed to diabetes. On average, Hispanics have twice the risk of developing diabetes as compared to the white population. Native Americans and Alaskan Natives living in have also experienced high diabetes rates among their children. This can be attributed to changes in lifestyle with most American children living sedentary lives with little or no physical exercise (Zaidi, 2007). In a study conducted in the late 1990s researchers observed that more than 20% of white girls were overweight. The percentages were even higher in the African-American and Hispanic groups with the black community soaring highest at 31%. These children had high serum cholesterol levels, were hypertensive and had type 2 diabetes at the early stages. What this translates to is that the younger generation will most likely be predominantly obese. As a result, they are more prone to more cardiovascular diseases. These results suggested that children are becoming diabetic at earlier ages (Finucane, 2008). The changes in lifestyle have led most households to live sedentary lives. The predisposition to diabetes is primarily as a result of poor exercise and high caloric intake. A study on the lifestyle trends of the Hispanic population concluded that of the population that was interviewed more than three quarters participated in inadequate or no physical recreational activity. There is also the tendency for children to learn from emulating role models. In the life of a child the role models are usually the family members. A child who comes from a home or a society where exercise is undermined and rarely done will likely also develop a passive lifestyle that will be carried over to adult life (Moran, 2004) There is familial incidence of diabetes. This means that children of diabetic parents are more likely to suffer from diabetes than those form non diabetic patients. From the CDC statistics of 2008, researchers concluded that a quarter of the population above sixty years had diabetes (Colwell, 2003). Gestational diabetes which is prevalent in pregnant women has also been associated with the vulnerable races. In addition, a more determining factor to this is obesity with more overweight pregnant women getting it during pregnancy. Since we all learn from emulating the society, there is need to advocate for collective responsibility so as to eradicate these preventable diseases. By targeting the teenagers as the most influential and vulnerable generation the government can ensure that the future population is making better health conscious decisions. Mode of data collection I will conduct a cross sectional survey research. I will use questionnaires in particular will use face to face interviews. Face to face interviews are effective since they will allow me to use open ended questions. They will also allow the interpretation of complex issues depending on the age of the respondent. They have also been proved to be more effective than other modes since they encourage a more participation and the interviewee learns more. They also encourage the use of visual aids in the interviews (Fowler, 1995). Self completion actively involves the respondent and motivates them to complete as opposed to the other modes. Questionnaires allow the researcher to use longer survey instruments making the research more intensive than the other types of data collection. Respondents have shown a better liking to in person interviews and are more likely to cooperate and answer honestly (Czaja Blair, 2005). However, they are more expensive and prohibit large studies. They are also time consuming taking up a lot of time for data collection. Due to variance altering due to the design effect they require follow ups which are also expensive and time consuming. They also require personnel who are familiar with the locality under study (Czaja Blair, 2005). Because this study involves teenagers as the respondents, face to face interviews would be better so that their cooperation is increased. Sample frame My target population is American teenagers between the age of thirteen and eighteen. This is too large so I will use a smaller working population by restricting the study to one state and in particular one county. After seeking appropriate permission I will use administrative records from the local high schools to create a database of the available population. To remove bias, random numbers will be assigned to each potential respondent and from these numbers random sampling will be done (Hakim, 1987). Since this is a survey research I intend to collect information from respondents themselves. Due to the financial constraints and logistics, I will target on a smaller sample size of one thousand high school students. They will include both female and male teenagers from all the representative American communities. Sampling technique My study population is American teenagers between the age of thirteen and eighteen. This is the most appropriate age because they are making changes and choices for themselves. They are under less parental control. This is a crucial age and most pre diabetic children will be diagnosed at this stage. I intend to use a simple random sample of teenagers between the age of thirteen and nineteen attending local high schools. Random sampling has the benefit of removing bias. It is simple to design and execute and is applicable to any population. Errors of either type one or type two, occur in research. However random sampling allows the easy estimation of these errors and allows the researcher to collect unbiased information. However random sampling is cumbersome for large estimates and highly inconvenient when large populations are being studied (Czaja Blair, 2005). Ethical issues Since my study will involve underage children I will have to seek consent from the guardians and the relevant authorities. As with all studies that involve human beings I will have to ensure that before collection of data, permission will be sought from the respective guardians and the schools so as to obtain information regarding the teenagers. Information regarding the purpose of the study will be frankly explained to both the guardian and the teenager (Punch, 1999). In addition the teenagers’ permission will be crucial and will be sought before the interview. Only with the consent of all involved parties will data collection take place (Vaus, 2002). The study has considered the impact of the research to the teenagers on a later date as a result all the expendable personal information has been removed from the questionnaires. This has removed the risk of exposing the child to psychological, social, financial and physical harm. The study will be conducted anonymously. Confidentiality will be upheld and will only be available to the researchers. In addition the teenagers actual information will not be used anywhere apart from the process of randomization (Vaus, 2002). The researchers will leave the guardians and the teenagers with contact information incase there is further need for clarification even after data collection. The researcher will request for information and not offer threats or bribes in exchange of data. The refusal by any of the teams to cooperate even after due explanation will lead to exemption of the respondent (Cannell etal, 1981) At no time will the rights of the respondent be disregarded. These are the right to privacy and the right to respect meaning that the conduct of the researcher will be professional and courteous at all times (Dijkstra etal, 1982). The information regarding the client will not be diverged. The right of the respondent to choose whether to answer and how to answer will be observed as well as the right to safety. In addition the clients’ right to be to be informed, the right to be heard and to redress will also be observed and the researcher will give all the information the respondent will enquire regarding the study.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Mexican Americans in American Popular Culture Essay Example for Free

Mexican Americans in American Popular Culture Essay It is a known fact that modern entertainment media created certain images and stereotypes of Latin, Asian and other ethnic minorities living in our country. American cinema movies, TV series or even PC games mostly picture the members of Latin and Mexican cultures as aggressive tempered mustached guys, who smoke and fight a lot, and who are always involved in drug distribution or some criminal activities. This tendency had very negative effects on our minds, and many of our citizens are convinced that there are no educated, good-mannered and decent people in Mexican communities. I was always wondering why it happens this way, and studying some historic material, including the articles from the site Digital History, helped me to find some answers on this question. This tendency proved to have a long history and it was formed during the second and the third decades of the twentieth century, when Hollywood producers started expressing their concern and fears caused by the afflux of talented Mexican actors, including Lupe Velez or Dolores Del Rio, their success and public recognition in the US. That is why many performers of Latin origin were given the roles of bandits, thieves and other not attractive characters. After the World War II a number of movies were produced, in which the directors tried to restore the image of Mexican Americans, but after the 1960s, when the problems of illegal immigration from the South became topical, caricaturizing the Mexicans continued. During the last decades, negative characters of Hispanic origin have been appearing in many popular cinema movies or TV series, starting from Chico and the Man and ending with 24. Also, a great contribution to reinforcing the distorted images of the Mexicans was made by a series of popular video games Grand Theft Auto (GTA). In my opinion, this situation is really dejecting, and I am convinced that recent attempts of Mexican artists to demonstrate their true cultural identity and unique distinctive heritage must be supported in our society, and their ethnic voices must be heard.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Strategies

Interpersonal Communication Strategies There are a lot of thing that are being taught about interpersonal communication in todays society. There are many thing that I have learned that will help you in your relationship as a married couple. Some of the thing that are important in interpersonal communication that will help you better communicate with one another will be discussed here today. There are a lot of skills that are needed to communicate effectively, identifying the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions as well as developing strategies for active, critical and empathic listening. Also according to what is being taught, learning how to evaluate appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships and also learning to understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships. Learning strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts, is something that researchers feel could also a help a relationship. Here is some of what I have learnedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Identifying the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions is a very interesting subject as well as a great way to learn how to deal with or look for these barriers. According to Eric Garner, who list seven of the top barriers Its not always easy and often takes a lot of determination. But making an effort to remove the obstacles tangible and intangible that stand in our way, can be the key to building relationships that really work(Garner 2012) With Physical being the first barrier that he listed which mean Communication is generally easier over shorter distances as more communication channels are available and less technology is required. Although modern technology often serves to reduce the impact of physical barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be understood so that an appropriate channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers, closed office doors, barrier screens, separate areas for people of different status, large worki ng areas or working in one unit that is physically separate from others. The second barrier Eric list is perceptual barriers is where the, The problem with communicating with others is that we all see the world differently. If we didnt, we would have no need to communicate: something like extrasensory perception would take its place. The next of the barriers are listed as emotional barriers is where, One of the chief barriers to open and free communications is the emotional barrier. It is comprised mainly of fear, mistrust and suspicion. The roots of our emotional mistrust of others lie in our childhood and infancy when we were taught to be careful what we said to others. Then we have, cultural barriers which means, when we join a group and wish to remain in it, sooner or later we need to adopt the behavior patterns of the group. These are the behaviors that the group accepts as signs of belonging. The group rewards such behavior through acts of recognition, approval and inclusion. In groups which are happy to accept you and where you are happy to conform, there is a mutuality of interest and a high level of win-win contact. Where, however, there are barriers to your membership of a group, a high level of game-playing replaces good communication. Next we have, Language barriers is described as, language that desc ribes what we want to say in our terms may present barriers to others who are not familiar with our expressions, buzz-words and jargon. When we couch our communication in such language, it is a way of excluding others. In a global market place the greatest compliment we can pay another person is to talk in their language. The sixth barrier is, the gender barrier, this barrier relates to There are distinct differences between the speech patterns in a man and those in a woman. A woman speaks between 22,000 and 25,000 words a day whereas a man speaks between 7,000 and 10,000. In childhood, girls speak earlier than boys and at the age of three, have a vocabulary twice that of boys. The reason for this lies in the wiring of a mans and womans brains. When a man talks, his speech is located in the left side of the brain but in no specific area. When a woman talks, the speech is located in both hemispheres and in two specific locations. This means that a man talks in a linear, logical and compartmentalized way, features of left-brain thinking; whereas a woman talks more freely mixing logic and emotion, features of both sides of the brain. It also explains why women talk for much longer than men each day. The last barrier that Eric Garner mentions is, interpersonal barriers, which sates that, There are six levels at which people can distance themselves from one another. These six things are listed as Withdrawal is an absence of interpersonal contact. It is both refusals to be in touch and time alone. Rituals are meaningless, repetitive routines devoid of real contact. Pastimes fill up time with others in social but superficial activities. Working activities are those tasks which follow the rules and procedures of contact but no more. Games are subtle, manipulative interactions which are about winning and losing. They include rackets and stamps. Closeness is the aim of interpersonal contact where there is a high level of honesty and acceptance of yourself and others. Working on improving your communications is a broad-brush activity. You have to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your physical connections. That way, you can break down the barriers that get in your way and start b uilding relationships that really work. Learning how to overcome these barriers and communicate with your mate effectively can make a world of different in how well you know your mate as well as how well you all will get along and how long the relationship will last. (Garner E. 2012) Now I will talk to you both about some of the strategies you can use for active, critical and empathic listening. To fully understand what your partner is trying to communicate to you it is really important to comprehend what he or she is saying to you. Now we know that some people like to talk more then others but when trying to communicate with your partner we have to remember to listen to the other person and give them the chance to talk as well. When everyone wants to talk and no one wants to listen it only complicates things and makes people unhappy. Communicating effectively is when you are able to express yourself effectively as well as being able to take time to listen keenly and carefully to what the other person is saying. Some of the strategies that can help you both to be more effective listener are, that when your partner is talking listen carefully and you can be able to repeat what he or she has said. This will help you to remember what the topic was and the kind of in formation that was shared rather it was super important or not so important later. If of you have the habit of forgetting what is discussed, it is important to be writing down the main points which will help you later. Distractions should be avoided in order to increase your ability of developing good listening skills, important communication between the two of you for example when you are budgeting your finances, it is important to switch off the TV phones, radios, or another such gadgets. It is important to listen from the heart which means having empathy towards what your partner is talking about Examine the body language, and lastly when something is not clear ask questions for clearing your understanding. Poor interpersonal communication level is the main cause of many broken marriages or couples seeking for counseling to restore their marriages. The common refrain used by most couples is that he or she no longer understands me. The main focus which couples are required to do is to understand and explore how to communicate to each other and the various problems they might be facing in communication . When you need your commutation to be improved the main aspects which you have to focus are the various communication mechanisms such as presenting honest and direct questions, providing feedback and setting aside time to talk to one another. Having a conflict is not the major issue but the main challenge is how you will be able to handle the conflict which will determine your future. Solving the conflict through the use of effective communication skills and understanding couples with respect leads to you having a happier future and building a stronger relationship. In future as you are confronted with conflicts, these communication skills tips will be effective for you. So keep them in your mind with the aim of having a positive outcome. Many couples think theyre communicating with each other when they sort out who will pick up the kids, pay the bills or call the grandparents, says Orbuch. But thats not the kind of communication shes talking about.(Schoenberg N. 2011) The article Can We Talk, Researcher talks about the role of communication in marriages I believe can really help you both to work on your communication skills with one another in your relationship. The article gives insight in to how couples can work on lea rning more about one another on a more personal level. Conversation partners related use of function words-such as pronouns, articles, conjunctions, prepositions and negations-augurs well for mutual romantic interest and stable relationships, says a team led by graduate student Molly Ireland and psychologist James Pennebaker, both of the University Of Texas At Austin. I find myself agreeing with the two psychologists. I believe that the use of language and grammar really contributes to the type of communication that we engage in our everyday life. The words people use when communicating with other has more meaning then people realize. So far in this class I have learned that it is not just what you rather then how you word things as well as your body language and facial expressions. An interesting irony is that two people who truly hate one another will often exhibit a high amount of language-style matching, Pennebaker says.Two people locked in a bitter fight tend to talk, or yell, in similar ways. Mostly, though, highly attentive conver sation partners like one another. (Bower B. 2012) According to Tim Borchers Self-disclosure is not simply providing information to another person. Instead, scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover. Self-disclosure involves risk and vulnerability on the part of the person sharing the information. Tim also states A useful way of viewing self-disclosure is the Johari window. The Johari window is a way of showing how much information you know about yourself and how much others know about you. The window contains four panes, as shown below. The Open Pane includes information such as hair color, occupation, and physical appearance. The Blind Pane includes information that others can see in you, but you cannot see in your self. You might think you are poor leader, but others think you exhibit strong leadership skills. The Hidden Pane contains information you wish to keep private, such as dreams or ambitions. The Unknown Pane includes everything that you and others do n ot know about yourself. You may have hidden talents, for example, that you have not explored. Through self-disclosure, we open and close panes so that we may become more intimate with others. I believe that using the method that Tim talks about can really help to better the self discloser in you interpersonal relationship. There are also functions and risk that Tim listed that can be helpful to a marriage as new as yours. He states Self-disclosure performs several functions. It is a way of gaining information about another person. We want to be able to predict the thoughts and actions of people we know. Self-disclosure is one way to learn about how another person thinks and feels. Once one person engages in self-disclosure, it is implied that the other person will also disclose personal information. This is known as the norm of reciprocity. Mutual disclosure deepens trust in the relationships and helps both people understand each other more. You also come to feel better about yourself and your relationship when the other person accepts what you tell them. Risks of Self-Disclosure While there are several advantages to self-disclosure, there are also risks. One risk is that the person will not respond favorably to the information. Self-disclosure does not automatically lead to favorable impressions. Anot her risk is that the other person will gain power in the relationship because of the information they possess. Finally, too much self-disclosure or self-disclosure that comes too early in a relationship can damage the relationship. Thus, while self-disclosure is useful, it can also be damaging to a relationship. ( Borchers T. 1999) Now I will give you some information that I have learned about perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships. According to Sole, Perception is the process of acquiring, interpreting, and organizing information that comes in through your senses. The perceptual process allows you to become conscious of situations in your environment that might be dangerous or that require your attention, and it is essential to your survival. Most people tend to think that they perceive the world as it really is; however, the truth is that they perceive only a small portion of what they encounter in the outside environment. Everything in the environment that has the potential to be perceived can be defined as a stimulus. These stimuli come to you through your five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch; you pay attention to some of these stimuli and not to others. You then try to make sense of the stimuli you are aware of or have paid attention to and create your own interpretations and meaning of them. Nonverbal communication is defined as communication of a message without words, which means that it encompasses a wide range of vocal and visual signs and behaviors. Throughout your life, you express thoughts and ideas not only through language but also through your voice, eyes, face, body posture and movement, and hand gestures. Understanding emotions and expressing these emotions appropriately is the key to successful communication with others. People who are aware of their emotions and are sensitive to the emotions of others are better able to handle the ups and downs of life, to rebound from adversity, and to maintain fulfilling relationships with others. As a result, say researchers, they can live more satisfying lives (Matthews, Zeidner, Roberts, 2003). Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that can be learned. We can improve our emotional intelligence by increasing our awareness of emotional issues and improving our ability to identify, assess, and manage our feelings.(So le, 2011) People skills involve a wide range of interpersonal skills including appropriate self-disclosure determining how much personal information to share with others, appropriate assertion skills presenting your ideas and opinions so that they are recognized, collaborative skills working well with others, problem solving skills, and conflict resolution skills. In conclusion I feel that communicating effectively in any relationship especially in a new marriage take time, practice and skill. There are many skills that you can use when trying to better the level of communication in your marriage. These skills include identifying the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions as well as developing strategies for active, critical and empathic listening. Other skills that you both can try and gain a better understanding of are, appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships and also learning to understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships. The skill that I feel will help you the most in order to keep you relationship smooth is, Learning strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts. I really hope that this advice and research will help you to have a long and successful marriage. Sincerely Tiffany D. Roberson Reference Page Borchers T., 1999 Moorhead State University Allyn Bacon Retrieved from: Bower Bruce, Science News 2012 U.S.News World Report LP Retrieved from: Garner E. 2012, Seven Barriers to Great Communication Retrieved from: Schoenberg N, CHICAGO TRIBUNE February 6, 2011, 2012 Hearst Communications Inc. Retrieved From: Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. retrieved from:

Structures Used in The Sound and the Fury Essay -- Sound and the Fury

Structures Used in The Sound and the Fury In â€Å"Christian and Freudian Structures†, Carvel Collins points out some interesting systems used by Faulkner in The Sound and The Fury. Collins refers to the first system Faulkner uses as a Christian structure, which shows how all three Compson sons are in parallel with Christ. When discussing the Christian structure, Collins says that it is important for the reader to know that three of the four sections are set on Easter Sunday and the two days preceding it (71). First, he discusses the Quentin section because it dates back to a Thursday with the other sections being on Friday (Jason), Saturday (Benjy), and Sunday (fourth section). The Thursday in which the Quentin section takes place symbolizes Christ’s experience on Holy Thursday and some points of similarity are: 1) Quentin's’s Last Supper with Shreve, Gerald, and their companions in the picnic, in which they drink wine. (Wine in biblical terms symbolizes the blood of Christ.) 2) The â€Å"breaking of the bread† with the little Italian girl (bread=body of Christ). 3) Quentin’s tortured conversation with his father stands out in his memories which takes place on the same day of the week as the event of Christ crying out in anguish upon his father and 4) Quentin is captured and taken before a court, just as Christ was. Next in history was Good Friday which compares to the Jason section. One event that took place on Good Friday was â€Å"that disciple took her (Christ’s mother) into his own† (John 19). Christ’s mother was in association with her son, just like Mrs. Compson and Jason Jason was the only child in which she cared for. Jason’s name also seems to be significant because it was â€Å"used for ‘Jesus’ by Hellenized Jews†. One ... ...epresents the ego, â€Å"which Freud presents as a battleground between the urges of the id and the restraints of the super-ego; and Jason at that of the repressive super-ego† (73). Using these Freudian terms and characteristics, the three Compson sons merge into one with Benjamin representing the id, having only instinct and does not care about time. He goes to sleep at the end of his section. Then in the first sentence of the Quentin section, Quentin wakes up aware of the time (â€Å"ego first part of the personality to become aware of time†) (74). Works Cited Collins, Carvel â€Å"Christian and Freudian Structures.† Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Sound and The Fury. Ed. Michael H. Cowan. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1968. 71-74. Life Applications Bible for Students. The New King James Version. Illinois: Tyndale Publications, Inc., 1994.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essays --

Why is Ethiopia Always Hungry? In 1974, Louis Leake discovered a 3.2 million year old skeleton he named â€Å"Lucy† in the Afar region of Ethiopia. This evidence indicates human inhabitants have lived in the region for millions of years. In Ethiopia today, the people are chronically hungry. There have been recurrent famines leading to starvation and death of hundreds of thousands of people. The country’s population is outpacing its food production. Did â€Å"Lucy† die from starvation? Why can’t Ethiopia feed its people? Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa with a long and complex history dating back thousands of years. Located in the eastern Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is a landlocked country slightly smaller than twice the size of Texas. In 1994, a federal republic was created consisting of nine ethnically based states and lead by a president elected by the people (â€Å"Central Intelligence Agency†). It has a current population of 93 million people. In 2013, Ethiopia had a population growth rate of 2.9%, ranking it ninth in the world in population growth. This growth rate is projected to continue over the next 40 years (Population Challenges). The country is made up of many ethnic groups with the Oromo (35%) and the Amhara (27%) making up the largest groups. In general, the population is rural and poor. Only 17% of the people live in urban centers. Agriculture is the main driver of the Ethiopian economy. Most of the farming occurs on small farms and consists of subsi stence agriculture. There is very little commercial farming. Agriculture contributes 46% to GNP and employs 85% of the population (â€Å"Ethiopia†). The geography of Ethiopia is a high plateau divided by the Great Rift Valley. There is a central mounta... ...e weather conditions, the problem continues to grow. Solving these problems requires action on all levels--from the international community and the United Nations, by the Ethiopian federal government, and members of the regional and local communities. The course of action for Ethiopia will take both time and financial support. The problem did not develop overnight and it cannot be solved quickly. By working together to provide sustainable solutions, the people of Ethiopia may one day be protected during times of drought by having enough food available to prevent famine and starvation. Hopefully, Ethiopia will be able to implement the reforms and changes needed to someday sustain itself. By providing adequate food for its people, it will eliminate the need for food handouts. Maybe some day soon we will be able to quit asking, â€Å"Why is Ethiopia always hungry?†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Macbeth : The Tragedy :: essays research papers

Many people believe that Shakespeare's plays all have a tragedy to them. There are very good arguments that support this theory. Macbeth is one of the many tragic plays that Shakespeare has written. There are many incidents that take place in the play of Macbeth, which prove that this is a tragic play. There are the murders of many innocent people. There is the murder of King Duncan, who is killed by Macbeth. There is the murder of Banquo, which is set up by Macbeth. There is the murder of Macduff's wife and son, which is also set up by Macbeth. These meaningless killings are what make Macbeth a tragic story. The first tragic murder in the play was that of King Duncan. Duncan was a respected man by all in Scotland. Duncan had no enemies within his kingdom. He was a good leader and good father to his sons and to Macbeth as well. People were shocked to discover the murder of Duncan had taken place. Duncan was liked by everyone in Scotland, which made it hard for the people of Scotland to come up with a conclusion as to why Duncan was murdered. This is best summarized by Banquo's reaction towards Duncan's death,"†¦ Fears and scruples shake us. In the great hand of God I stand, and thence against the undivulged pretense I fight†¦" here Banquo is saying that no one person can be suspected for committing this crime and that this murder has a hidden purpose (II, iii, l. 131-133). Duncan was killed for a very terrible reason. Macbeth killed Duncan because Macbeth was greedy and was desperate to be become king. Macbeth wanted to be in control and knew that if he killed Duncan h e would be able to receive it. An innocent man is killed because of the greed of another man. Such a tragedy is inhuman. Others have also been killed because of Macbeth. The second tragic murder in the play was the brutal killing of Banquo. Banquo was an innocent man that had no flaws whatsoever. Banquo was always kind to everyone and respectful to Macbeth, even though he knew Macbeth killed Duncan. Banquo was also a loving father. Banquo had a son named Fleance whom he loved very much. When Macbeth sent the murderers out to kill Banquo and Fleance, Banquo sacrificed his own life so that Fleance could get away.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Types of Salad Dressings

Most markets carry packaged dressings in an array of flavors, and it is also possible to make them at home. A number Of materials are used as bases for salad dressing, such as oils, dairy products, and mayonnaise Oils are the basis of vinaigrette, simple blends of oil, vinegar , and herbs, and they are also used in many Asian dressings, along with ingredients such as soy sauce Dairy products like cream, yoga art , and creme franchise, are also common bases for dressings, especially in Eastern Europe.In addition to a base, a dressing can include a wide variety of things, including fresh herbs, pickled vegetables or relish fermented foods like vinegar or soy sauce, nuts, and dried or fresh fruit. Other condiments, such as salad cream or ketchup , can also be included, as can spicy additions, like chilies, and sweet ones, such as s agar and molasses. Many cultures have a specific dressing in common usage, such as the blend of yogurt, cucumber , and lemon juice used in the Mediterranean to dress simple salads, or the vinaigrette, which is in wide use in France and Italy.Dressings can be thick and creamy, as is the case with blue cheese and ranch dressings, which use a dairy base, or they may be light and runny. Some are even designed for a specific salad, like Caesar dressing for the salad of the same name. Many cultures also have specific preferences about the amount that is used, with some salads being drenched dressing, while others are only lightly spirited with just enough to be refresh nag. Types of Salad Dressings: . Vinaigrette Dressings ; One of the most common types of salad dressings available, vinaigrette combine vinegar and oil in its most simple form, with herbs and spices added for flavor.For example; adding garlic, oregano, parsley, basil and lemon juice turn NSA it onto an Italian dressing. Other vinaigrette use different types of vinegar such balsamic, a dark vinegar made from grape juice. Likewise, a red wine vinaigrette combines red wine vinegar with olive oil and optional herbs and spices. Other common vinaigrette include Greek dressing and raspberry vinaigrette. Vinaigrette Dressing Recipes 1 . Smoked Paprika Vinaigrette This tasty salad dressing also makes a great marinade. It's so easy to throw together with your food processor.Add a pinch of sugar if too tart. Ingredients: ; h cup red wine vinegar ; h cup honey ; 1 tablespoon stormbound mustard % teaspoon groundbreaking pepper ; % tablespoon salt ; 1 1/4 tablespoon smoked paprika ; 1 clove garlic ; 2 tablespoon chopped onion ; h tablespoon oregano ; 1 pinch white sugar ; 1/2 cup Olive Oil Directions Blend the red wine vinegar, honey, mustard, lime juice, pepper, salt, paprika, garlic, onion, oregano, and sugar together in a blender until thoroughly mixed .Drizzle the olive oil into the mixture while blending on low. Chill at least 1 hour before e serving. 2. Pear Vinaigrette This is a light and lovely salad dressing that lends itself well to a simple and elegant salad .I love to use it on a salad of butter lettuce, Aragua, goat cheese , and characterized pecans ; 1 ripe pear peeled, cored, and chopped ; 1/2 cup white wine ; 1 clove garlic, chopped ; 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard ; 1/4 cup white balsamic vinegar ; 1 teaspoon ground black pepper ; 1/4 teaspoon sea salt Blend the pear, white wine, garlic, Dijon mustard, white balsamic vinegar, black pepper, and sea salt in a blender until well combined; drizzle the olive oil into the mixture in a thin, steady stream while continuing to blend.Blend a few second DSL longer until the salad dressing is thick and creamy. 3. Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing This dressing has a mild raspberry flavor. I usually prepare it with canola oil. ; 1/2 cup vegetable oil ; 1/2 cup raspberry wine vinegar ; 1/2 cup white sugar ; 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano ; 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper In a jar with a tight fitting lid, combine the oil, vinegar, sugar, mustard, oregano o, and pepper. Shake well. 4.Honey Balsamic Vinaigr ette ; 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar ; 1 small onion, chopped ; 1 tablespoon soy sauce ; 3 tablespoons honey ; 1 tablespoon white sugar ; 2 cloves garlic, minced ; 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 2/3 cup extravagant olive oil Place the vinegar, onion, soy sauce, honey, sugar, garlic, and red pepper flake s into a blender. Puree on high, gradually adding the olive oil. Continue pureeing 2 minutes, or until thick. .Creamy Dressings Mayonnaise is the base for the moonstone creamy dressings, such as Caesar, blue cheese and ranch dressings.According to Slate Magazine, ranch dressing has been the bestselling salad dressing in the Lignite States since 1992. This creamy dressing, invented by the owners of a California dude ranch, combine mayonnaise with buttermilk, lemon juice, salt, pepper, paprika, mustard pop ere and fresh chives and dill. Although traditional Caesar salad is prepared with slightly coddled eggs, the oil and egg whisked together essentially make a mayonnaise, so prepare d mayonnaise is often used in place of the egg. Other creased dressings use sour cream, creme franchise or even yogurt as the main base.Creamy Dressing Recipes 1. Creamy Lemon Dressing This tangy lemony dressing makes a creamy addition to salads or is great drizzled over grilled fish. Try it over a butter lettuce, grape tomatoes, and Engle sis cucumber salad. Try substituting plain Greek yogurt for the sour cream. 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice ; 4 teaspoons lemon zest ; 3 cloves garlic, minced ; 1/4 teaspoon salt ; 1/2 cup olive oil ; 1/2 cup sour cream Combine lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper in a bowl.Slowly whisk olive oil into the lemon juice mixture until thickened. Whisk sour cream into the mixture. Transfer the dressing to a sellable container. 2. Refrigerate 1 5 minutes to overnight. 2. Creamy Peppercorn Dressing Recipe This creamy salad dressing mixes the nutty and spicy flavors of Parmesan cheese, freshly ground black pepper, and garlic with the tang of sour cream, ay, and lemon juice. Use it as a dip for credits or atop a wedge salad with some crisp y crumbled bacon and cherry tomatoes. 1/2 cup mayonnaise ; 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese ; 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice (from about 1 medium lemon) ; 2 tablespoons milk (not nonfat) ; 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper ; 2 medium garlic cloves, finely chopped ; 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt Place all of the ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk until combined. Refrigerate in a container with a tight fitting lid for up to 4 days. 3.Taco Salad with Creamy Cilantro Dressing This recipe today is almost a grownup version of my college taco salad. It has many of the same components, but here I've added some quinoa for extra pr tontine and whipped up a super creamy cilantro dressing that's spiked with fresh lime juice e and a little salt. It'd be dreamy used as a dip for fresh veggies (and can vouch for it as a dip with leftover tortilla chips, too). It's good stuff. 1 cup loosely packed cilantro, washed, stems removed, and roughly chopped (about 3/4 bunch) ;h cup sour cream ; 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (about 1/2 lime) ; 1 clove garlic ; 2 teaspoons sherry vinegar A few grinds of foregrounds black pepper To make the dressing, puree all ingredients in a blender or food processor UN till welcoming and smooth. If the dressing seems thick, drizzle in water a table spoon or two at a time with the blender running until thinned to the point where you lie eke it.Taste and add additional salt and pepper if necessary. 4. Blue Cheese Salad Dressing This homemade blue cheese dressing is easy to make. Bonus prize you can use your favorite blue cheese no matter how mild or pungent, creamy or cru nimbly it may be. ; 8 oz. Blue cheese ; 1/2 cup buttermilk 1/3 cup mayonnaise ; 1/4 cup sour cream ; 1 Tabs. Equality white wine or red wine vinegar ; 1 TTS. Dry mustard ; Salt to taste (optional) Direction In a medium bowl, use a fork to mash the blue ch eese into a paste or crumbly bits, depending on texture of the cheese.Work in the buttermilk until it is as sumo the as possible (or as smooth as you like your blue cheese dressing). Stir in the mayo anise, sour cream, vinegar, and mustard until well blended. Add salt to taste, if you Ii eke (this will depend on how salty the cheese was, you may very well not need any add action salt). Use the dressing immediately or keep, covered and chilled, up to 1 week . Ill. Citrus Dressings For citrus dressings, lemon, lime, grapefruit or orange juice is combined with herbs, spices and olive oil.For a basic citrus dressing combine lemon juice wit h Olive oil, and seasonings of your choice. Citrus juice is often combined with sweet I ingredients such as honey or fruit. One such dressing combines orange juice, lime juice, h none, grated orange peel and olive oil, perfect for a salad that includes fruits such a s strawberries, blueberries and tangerines. Greens with Citrus Dressing Recipe You don 't miss the oil when topping a green salad with this light and tangy homemade dressing. 1/3 cup orange juice 1/4 cup cider red wine vinegar ; 3 tablespoons water ; 2 tablespoons lemon juice ; 1 1/2 teaspoons grated orange peel ; 1 tablespoon finely chopped raisins, optional ; Torn mixed salad greens In a jar with a tightening lid, combine orange juice, vinegar, honey, water, elm juice, orange peel and raisins if desired; shake well. Serve over salad greens. 2. Mixed Green Salad With Citrus Dressing Salad greens should be crisp, with firm outer leaves. They should also smell s wet, not bitter. When possible, purchase unpackaged lettuce.Ingredients: ; 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice ; 1 tablespoon honey ; 1 tablespoon minced shallot ; 2 teaspoons whitened vinegar ; Coarse salt and ground pepper ; 2 tablespoons extravagant olive oil ; 1 bunch (8 ounces) Aragua, stemmed (7 to 8 cups) ; 4 Ounces ferries, torn in batteries pieces (4 cups) ; 1 small head radicchio (4 ounces), torn in bite s pieces (4 cups) 1 . Len a blender, combine juice, honey, shallot, and vinegar. Season with salt an d pepper. Blend until smooth. With motor running, add oil in a steady stream u until emulsified. . An a large bowl, toss Aragua, ferries, and radicchio with dressing; season wit h more salt and pepper. Serve immediately. Asparagus with Citrus Recipe ; 1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed ; 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, divided ; 3 tablespoons orange juice ; 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard ; 2 teaspoons sugar ; 1/4 teaspoon pepper ; 1/3 cup Olive Oil ; 2 hardcore egg yolks, chopped, optional In a large skillet, bring 1/2 in. Of water to a boil. Add asparagus and 1 teaspoon alt; boil, uncovered, for 45 minutes or until Christensen.Drain asparagus and pat dry. Transfer to a serving plate. For dressing, in a jar with a tightening lid, combine the orange juice, lemon juju mustard, sugar, pepper, oil and remaining salt; shake well. Pour desired ammo unit of dressing over asparagus. Sprinkle with egg yolks if desired. Serve at room temperature. 4. Roasted Asparagus Salad with Citrus Dressing Rest roasted asparagus and tomatoes on a bed Of Watercress for a special touch. The after dressing is a sweetshop combination of fresh citrus juices, h on eye ND Dijon mustard.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay

Some of the things I believe that the counselor has learned from Steve are, it taught the counselor that you cannot help a person on their own life path. Only they can find their way. You just have to follow them and be supportive in the situation and on the path they choose. Some people may try to take the easy way out of everything. The counselor learned that you need to help them to take the long road, even though it may be harder and more complicated, sometimes it is the long road that gives you the better outcome in life and other journeys you may decide to take throughout your life. The counselor learned that a person cannot be guided on a deeply personal journey. You cannot know another’s personal destination. You have to let the person find their own way. You be there travel companion and be there when they need a little help continuing. Some of the counselor’s behaviors that may change as a result of working with Steve are, the counselor will now be able to help a person that is on a difficult journey to better their life. The counselor will be able to help them find their own way instead of trying to guide them down a path. The counselor will be able to teach someone that even though the short easy road looks good, it usually doesn’t get you where you want to be in life. Sometimes you have to take the long and difficult road to get the results that you want. Taking the easy way through things doesn’t benefit you as much as taking the long road. The counselor will now be able to look at things through a different point of view. Instead of always looking through it as a guide, the counselor will now be able to look at it through a travel companions eyes, instead of telling them what they should do, will be able to help them decide what they want to do and what is right for them. Yes I think that most people you come into contact with change you in some way. When people come into your life, they come in for a reason. You have friends that come into your life, and they help you to make either the right decisions or wrong decisions in that part of your life. You will have some that will get you to try drugs or alcohol or stealing. You have to decide what is right for you. You see your friends getting into trouble and you know that is not what you want for yourself so you change who you are friends with and the way you look at life, and find new friends, and a new path to turn down. Every person that you come in contact with helps you in some way you just don’t realize it. You see a homeless person on the street you will do what you need to do so you do not end up like that person. You meet an executive or person that works in the field of study you are doing, you will study and try to do what you have too to make it to that point in your life. You will always try to do things to better yourself, especially when you see people doing exactly what it is that you want to do. You will always have that one person you look up to and want to be just like. Everyone that you meet will give you that little bit of something to strive for or strive against. Steve has changes as a result of this relationship because he has learned that not everyone is against him and what he wants to do with his life. He has learned that there are people that are willing to stand next to him on his long and difficult path. He now knows that no matter what life throws at him, if he tries hard enough he can accomplish anything he wants to. He has learned to never let anyone or anything tell him he can’t achieve whatever goal he is after. He is a very strong independent person, but sometimes he needs a little push to keep him going in the direction that he is already headed. Yes I believe Steve has benefited from this relationship. He gained a lot more self- esteem than what he had to begin with. He has also learned to trust more people that are trying to help him with his journey. He got a lot out of the relationship, because not everyone is willing to help someone in his situation. So he has learned to trust and believe in more people. Statement 9: Human service professionals recognize and build on the clients strengths. In this situation the counselor recognized and built on the clients weaknesses. The client wanted to use his weaknesses to help him become a better person. Steve didn’t want to overlook his weaknesses and or disabilities. He used those weaknesses and turned them into strengths. I feel that was not the normal thing to do, but in this situation it was the right thing to do. I will resolve this by showing myself that. It is important to follow ethical standards because it is to ensure that you are not over stepping your boundaries as a health care professional. If you overstep your boundaries, you may end up with a law suit. It is best to follow them even though they are not laws.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Women’s Health & Preventative Care

Women’s Health Care and Preventative Care In the United States, the cost of health care is on the rise and it is almost impossible to receive any health care service at an affordable rate. Whether insured or uninsured, women of all demographics are faced with this problem. Women should not put their health or life at risk because they fear receiving another medical bill. Due to the rising cost of health care and insurance, more women do not receive preventative medical treatment and are currently in debt.Often, women do not receive or delay receiving preventative health care due to the cost of treatment. â€Å"Learning about and practicing preventive healthcare, i. e. maintaining your body and good health throughout your entire lifetime, is properly the best method to prevent disease from happening in the first place† (World Research Foundation, n. d. ). Women require more preventative health care than men and some of these preventative services are not always fully cov ered by insurance such as mammograms or prenatal care.Prenatal care is not only important for the woman’s health, but also for the child’s health. Preventative health care can detect as well as prevent diseases. Early detection is sometimes the key to curing certain diseases. More women currently are in debt or have unpaid medical bills. The rising cost of health care combined with the current job market has left more women in debt (Robertson & Collins, 2011). Health insurance providers do not always provide the coverage women need.In fact recent studies have shown â€Å"few plans offer maternity coverage and young women can face substantially higher premiums than men of the same age† (Robertson & Collins, 2011). Although,† The Affordable Care Act is bringing change for women through required free coverage of preventive care services, small business tax credits, new affordable coverage options, and insurance market reforms, including bans on gender ratingà ¢â‚¬  the law will not be implemented until 2014 (Robertson & Collins, 2011).Something needs to be done before then in order to cut down on debt from unpaid medical bills. The federal as well as the state government should implement more programs that offer preventative care at income based rates. There should also be more programs directed at lowering medical bill debt. A debt acquired by a medical bill should not affect a person’s credit. More insurance companies should provide age and gender specific plans at affordable rates, in order to ensure everyone receives the proper healthcare needed.Although, some of these solutions may have to be funded with higher taxes or budget cuts, these programs would definitely have a large impact on the amount of women who receive preventative care. Preventative care is a necessity in ensuring healthy living for women. Receiving preventative care is a cost effective way to save lives by treating and diagnosing diseases and conditions ear ly. Insured and uninsured women should be able to receive preventative care without worrying about how and if they will pay the medical bill.Although women’s health care cost is a rising issue in the U. S, there are cost effective solutions to alleviate this problem. References Robertson, R. , & Collins, S. R. (2011) Realizing Health Reforms Potential. Retrieved fromhttp://www. commonwealthfund. org/~/media/Files/Publications/Issue%20Brief/2011/May /1502_Robertson_women_at_risk_reform_brief_v3. pdf World Research Foundation. (n. d. ) Preventive Health Care Helps Everyone. Sedona, AZ: WorldResearch Foundation. Retrieved July 15, 2012 from http://www. wrf. org/preventive-healthcare/preventive-healthcare. php

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reading Reflection Essay

Question 1. What does Heilbroner mean by the ‘economic problem’ and how does ‘tradition’, ‘command’ and ‘the market’ â€Å"solve† it? Why does Heilbroner think ‘economics’ is of no use for studying pre-market economies? (chapter 1). In the first chapter of this book, the author illustrated several concepts. Firstly, ‘economic problem’ was defined as â€Å"extraordinary variety of ways in which human communities have wrestled with† (Heilbroner, p.9). Secondly, ‘tradition’ solved the economic problem by customers. For example, a son will do his fathers’ job and run in the family. Thirdly, the ‘Command’ solved the problem by order form above. â€Å"It requires an enforcement mechanism different from internalized pressure of socialization† (Heilbroner, p.12). Lastly, the market solved the problem by the system itself, the author illustrated that â€Å"it’s just the way people behave. No one runs it† (Heilbroner, p.13). Question 2. Difference between Capital and Wealth. Heilbroner illustrated that capital is not wealth. â€Å"Capital thus differs from wealth in its intrinsically dynamic characters, continually changing its form from commodity into money and then back again in an endless metamorphosis that already makes clear its integral connection with the changeful nature of capitalism itself† (Heilbroner, p.30). Question 3. What are the two realms of capitalism? There are public and private realms. For the public realm, the capital normally holds the upper hand (Heilbroner, p.55). And it cannot perform its accumulative task without the complementary support of the state (Heilbroner, p.55). However, for private sector, government treats it as a business.

State Intervention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

State Intervention - Essay Example The value placed upon the family unit is undeniable. Understanding the importance of the historical significance of the family unit, this article guarantees that the state will, with all its power, protect, defend and uphold the sanctity of the institution. Undeniably society as a whole affirms these principles having ratified the Constitution and empowered the courts to act as a caretaker and a defender when the rights of the family unit are challenged. Problems arise when government agencies through interpretation of law presuppose to know better than the parents what is best for their own child. Sadly there are cases where the government does need to intervene to protect the child; however, the concern lies when they begin to believe that the government itself has the right to step within the bounds of the family unit and impose its will upon it. It is, actually, quite a chilling thought. Thankfully we live in a country that has a set of checks and balances in place that is empowered, when necessary, to remind itself of the sovereignty of the family. The Health Act, 1970 authorized the establishment of Heath Boards in Ireland. These "eight health boards were established with statutory responsibility for the delivery of services in their respective areas." (Health Service, 2004, n.p.) Their function is to over see the delivery of heath service programs and benefits throughout the state. One of the source documents the health board uses in carrying out is function is the Child Care Act, 1991. Through legislative means such guidelines have been enacted to guide them in executing their duties. Unfortunately, in some cases, the possibility exists that the very power entrusted to them is abused. They begin to believe that they have the right to interpret and convolute the meanings of documents such as this and, intentionally or not attempt to destroy the fabric of the family unit. Such was the case which occurred when the North West Health Department attempted to usurp the power from the parents in deciding how best to raise their own children. This one act of sanctimonious righteousness threatened to redefine the very Constitution itself by denying the validity of a parent's rights to chose what they feel is best for their own child. That being said, I'll turn to the facts in the case described here and detailed in North Western Health Board-V-W. (H.), (2000) IEHC 199 Child Care Act, 1991 The Child Care Act, 1991 contains in Section three the responsibility of health boards to ensure that every child living within each area geographical boundaries is provided adequate medical care and other benefits. However the statute limits the power of the state to intervene only in those cases was proper care and guidance is not being provided for by the parents. When this happens, the state is to intervene, on behalf