Monday, September 30, 2019

Context and Setting in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go Essay

Context and setting are quite significant in the text â€Å"Never Let me Go.† According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of context is â€Å"the whole situation, the background, or the environment relevant to a particular event, personality, creation† as well as â€Å"the parts of a sentence, paragraph, discourse, etc, immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and determining its exact meaning.† According to Dr. Ezekiel Alembi â€Å"context is the social, economic and political environment under which a piece of literary work or art is written.† He goes on to say that context is important because it not only makes the reader, understand and appreciate the theme, but also understand and appreciate the style used. However,setting is what the writer wants us to see. Writers try to establish in the minds of their readers a sense of place and time. They use, ‘the power of the written word to make you hear, to make you fe el – it is above all to make you see’ (Joseph Conrad). It is also used to refer to the mood and the atmosphere created by the author, and the culture and the shared values and beliefs of the characters. In â€Å"Never Let Me Go† Kazuo Ishiguro uses details to create a sense of setting, as well as the full effect of the story depends on the presentation of an increasing amount of descriptive details. In this book the setting plays an integral part in the story. Apart fom providing the reader with a sense of where and when the story takes place, the setting can also serve other purposes, such as contributing to the plot. The aim of this essay is to evaluate the importance of both context and setting in text, â€Å"Never Let Go† by Kazuo Ishiguro. â€Å" Never Let Me Go† by Kazuo Ishiguro was published in 2005. He was already one of the most renowned and acclaimed British writers. Never Let Me Go addresses some contemporary issues. This novel has scie nce fiction qualities and a futuristic tone , thus takes place in a very similar yet alternate world. This novel is set in a recognizable England of the late 20th century. Yet it contains a key dystopian, almost sci-fi dimension you’d normally expect to find in stories set in the future. It also explores more timeless questions like childhood bullying and the role of sex in relationships. Never Let Me Go has three main institutional settings which are as follows: Hailsham, the Cottages, and the donor recovery centers. This is quite significant as it creates the mood and setting for the simple  yet intense plot for the story. The first sixteen years are spent at the Hailsham by Kathy and her friends. According to Kazuo Ishiguro based on interviews done, â€Å"The school setting, I must add, is appealing because in a way it’s a clear physical manifestation of the way all children are separated off from the adult world, and are drip-fed little pieces of information about the world that awaits them, often with generous doses of deception, kindly meant or otherwise. In other words, it serves as a very good metaphor for childhood in general.† From the ordeal related by Katthy, Hailsham is qite perfect and neat but somewhat mysterious, ‘This spacious house contains plenty of classrooms and dorm huts for all your schooling needs. It boasts a large sports pavilion perfect for spying on boys playing in neighboring fields. The ample grounds are surrounded by a fence that is not electrified (but which no one crosses anyways) and creepy woods (where no one goes because they fear they may get dismembered). Entirely secluded from the outside world, this real estate gem is p erfect for hiding clones that you want to pretend don’t exist. But beware: if you ever leave, you will never ever be able to find Hailsham again.’ However, in comparison to Hailsham, the Cottage is quite different . Their move to the cottage was difficult because of its air of shabbiness and lask lustere. However they were still able to be entertained and and have a great time. The cottage was described as, â€Å"These converted farmhouses require some TLC. The buildings are run-down and the rooms are damp. But there’s a charming churchyard nearby perfect for reading outdoors or getting in squabbles with your friends. The heat doesn’t work, so residents will need to sleep under extra blankets, carpets, and coats in order to avoid freezing during the winter. Enjoy!† The final stop for each of the donors is a recovery center. These are the buildings where Kathy and her friends undergo operations to remove their vital organs, and where they recuperate between donations. They are also the places where the donors â€Å"complete.† The setting of this centre as quite significant as this acttion is quite outstanding and essential in understanding the story. Additionally while Kathy is a carer she spends a lot of time driving around Norfolk and the English Countryside. She frequents Norfolk as well as other twons. It serves to be a great places to relax and retrospect. In fact, these scenic areas seems to be her favorite part of being a carer: â€Å"I do like the feeling of getting into my little car,  knowing for the next couple of hours I’ll have only the roads, the big grey sky and my daydreams for company.† These descriptions and strategies are intentionally utilized by Ishiguro for the readers to actually visualize exactly what is felt and experieced by the characters. Furthermore the setting in Never Let Me Go reveals traits of the character and in particular the narrator. According to various reseachers, Ishiguro’s novels share similarities in a particular aspect that is they are first-person narrators. This allows the reader to view the events of â€Å"Never Let Me Go†from the position of someone present and involved , in this case Katty. In this way the reader is given an insight into the character herself and at the same time can also directly experience what is happening in the story and so be able to relate to the surroundings. This is quite obvious by the intense and scenic descriptions stated above . It is noted that Ishiguro’s novels are â€Å" character studies and moral inventories that serve to illuminate the context of given political events. In the course of a story, then, a character is not ony seen struggling with their own feelings in reaction to interpersonal situations, but also a political environment.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Justify your choice of major theme(s) in the novel “Of Mice and Men”, and trace its/their development Essay

Within the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, numerous different themes are evident. These range from death (the killing of Curley’s wife and of Lennie) to nature (the descriptions of the scenery at the beginning and towards the end of the story). However, the themes that I will consider are that of friendship and of the ‘American Dream’. Friendship, in my opinion, is one of the most regularly occurring themes in the story because of all the struggles George and Lennie have to overcome in their friendship, for example, keeping Lennie out of trouble so as to avoid any further predicaments. Also, it is considered slightly strange that these two men (Lennie and George) have travelled together for so long given the trend at the time of itinerant workers who were almost constantly changing their workplace. This shows how strong their bond is and how they would never leave each other. To further enhance this point of the constant occurrence of friendship, we see all the other friendships present on the ranch like Candy’s friendship with his loyal dog and the general friendship between all the ranch ‘guys’. Candy particularly has a strong friendship between himself and his dog. His feelings are clearly evident in the scene in which Carlson volunteers to shoot his dog. Candy is extremely reluctant but allows it anyway. However, he soon realises his mistake after he has decided to become a part of George and Lennie’s dream and we can see he regrets it when he tells George â€Å"I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.† Another friendship that is present and the most integral to the story is the friendship between George and Lennie. This friendship has many different sides to it like anger and happiness and even George being protective of Lennie. George sometimes can’t stand the sight of Lennie and constantly breaks into sudden outbursts about how â€Å"life would be easy† without Lennie. Yet deep down George realises that he took up the responsibility for looking after Lennie after his Aunt Clara died and knows he could never desert Lennie because they need each other equally. Their friendship also links into the other theme I have chosen, the ‘American Dream’. This theme is what bonds Lennie and George together because they know that they have a purpose and will eventually get somewhere, which is another reason why George doesn’t leave Lennie. Moreover, this theme is also one of the main sources of conversation between George and Lennie. For example, the way Lennie constantly tells George to â€Å"tell how it’s gonna be.† Again, like friendship, the theme of the ‘American Dream’ is also a regularly occurring theme that is never far from the action. For example, in the fight scene with Curley and Lennie, it was because Lennie was grinning at the idea of the dream materialising that Curley, upset about his wife, decided to pick a fight with him thinking Lennie was laughing at him. Additionally, to emphasise this point further, there is a final recitation of it just before George shoots Lennie. George shoots Lennie because he feels that it is his responsibility and he didn’t want to see Lennie get shot â€Å"in the guts† at the hands of Curley. The dream also has an aura of infectiousness to it and the reader can see this when George and Lennie are going over it again to each other and Candy overhears them and wants to become a part of it. Furthermore, in the scene with the four ‘rejects’ (Lennie, Crooks, Candy and Curley’s wife), we see that Crooks also wants to facilitate the dream becoming a reality when Lennie inadvertently lets the idea slip out, but by the time the scene has ended, Crooks withdraws because of the verbal attack by Curley’s wife on him. â€Å"Keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.† A further example of friendship is how nobody tries to befriend Crooks because he is black with the exception of Lennie because he doesn’t know the difference. Back then, in society, racism was openly accepted and it wasn’t thought unusual for blacks and whites to be separate. It was regarded as the way it was meant to be. In the case of Crooks, his circumstances also link into the themes of Racism as well as Loneliness, other themes within the novel. The two themes I have chosen both have twists in their paths. With friendship, it is introduced almost straight away when we read the descriptions of the two men although at first we don’t know the connection between them. However, as the story unfolds, their relationship becomes more apparent and we begin to see the depth of it. To begin with, we have the basic emotions and things that can happen within a simple friendship. For example, when Lennie has a dead mouse and is stroking it, George takes it away but Lennie is hesitant. The emotions range from anger, â€Å"give me that mouse or do I have to sock you?†, to a caring side when George consoles Lennie after he has confiscated it, â€Å"I ain’t taking’ it away jus’ for meanness.† On the other hand, as we go deeper into the friendship, we learn that despite the incident in Weed, George is still taking care of Lennie thus concluding that his feelings for Lennie are stronger than those in an ordinary friendship and we can also see that their relationship resembles that of one between brothers. As we move onto the ranch, we see that there is a general sense of friendship between all the ranch ‘guys’ and also see that racial discrimination is evident in the form of Crook’s loneliness. Returning to Lennie and George, when they’re introduced to Curley, the defensive element of their friendship comes back into play when Curley gets annoyed that Lennie isn’t talking, George becomes protective of Lennie and defends him. Again, the friendship has drastic contrasts, for example, one minute George is almost going to hit Lennie and the next, he’s preventing him from getting hit by Curley. A new character comes into the fold in the form of Slim who is more appreciated by George than Lennie although he gives Lennie one of his pups. George becomes friendly with Slim by confiding in him about Lennie. For example, he tells him about Weed and how when earlier, he used to beat Lennie up but Lennie would never retaliate and the time when he told Lennie to jump in the river and Lennie did. This builds up an element of trust within their newly formed friendship. â€Å"An’ he jumps. Couldn’t swim a stroke. He damn near drowned before we could get him.† Finally, we come to the final scene and this is when George and Lennie’s friendship really hits a downfall. After Lennie has killed Curley’s wife and has run off, Candy finds the body and informs George. Judging from George’s reaction, (â€Å"I should of knew. I guess way back in my head I did.†), it can be interpreted that he realises what the circumstances will be resulting from Lennie’s actions. Nonetheless, he joins the ensuing manhunt, knowing where to find Lennie, and meets up with him â€Å"in the brush†. At this period in the novel, we can sense the apprehension within George simply from his actions and responses to Lennie. For example, when Lennie says â€Å"I done another bad thing.† â€Å"It don’t make no difference,† George said, and he fell silent again.† Even so, George realises that Lennie can prove to be a menace to society and is unsafe because everyone is looking for him. George manages to be mentally strong and shoots Lennie because he doesn’t want his long time cherished friend suffering an agonising death at the hands of someone else. Ironically, we see that as one friendship ends, another one blossoms as George walks off with Slim. The theme of Friendship runs through the entire novel and even beyond with the new friendship formed between George and Slim – although it can’t possibly replace his friendship with Lennie. For the ‘American dream’, it also follows a path, which changes as it unfolds. We first learn of it during the first scene where we are introduced to George and Lennie when, after George has just shouted at Lennie, Lennie tries to win him back over by telling George to tell â€Å"how it’s gonna be†. We are surprised that what could be labelled as two ‘oddballs’ (one is like a giant, the other like a mouse) are unified by something so simple. From then on, the dream takes a backseat until it reappears when Lennie and George are telling it again and Candy overhears them. As mentioned earlier, the dream has an infectiousness aura about it and this is what has drawn Candy to it, the fact that you can have your own independence and avoid taking orders from a boss. It is at this point in the novel that Lennie and George (with Candy’s input) are the closest they’ll ever be to actually seeing this ‘dream’ of theirs become a reality. Later, Crooks also falls victim to this idea of independence and freedom such is its ability to attract people towards it. Unfortunately though, at the end of the scene, he withdraws because of the verbal attack on him by Curly’s wife. Curley’s wife reminds Crooks that he is black and black people in those days were oppressed, resulting in even the simplest aspirations of a person not being realistic. Another point about the dream is how it’s earned Lennie the tag of being stupid. For example, in conversations with Crooks and Curley’s wife, he says things about the rabbits he will soon be able to tend and how he shouldn’t do wrong or he won’t be able to tend them. He is so obsessed with this idea that its all he talks about to others and this has lead both Crooks and Curley’s wife to calling him crazy because they don’t know what he’s talking about and this is a factor as to why he is considered slow, not just because of his intellectual inability but also because of the things he says not following the thread of conversation. Lastly, in the final scene, Candy asks George if the dream is off after they find Curley’s wife’s body but he doesn’t respond. In any case, when he meets up with Lennie, Lennie requests that George tell the dream again one last time. George obliges and then shoots Lennie during it, signalling the end of the dream they once shared. The theme of the ‘American Dream’, like that of Friendship, is introduced almost from the beginning and runs right through till the end but doesn’t extend beyond however as it’s been given a conclusion. The two themes chosen are interconnected very closely: The complications of George and Lennie’s friendship got in the way of them realising their â€Å"dream†. The friendship and dream got in the way of each other spelling disaster for both. For example, Lennie being killed (friendship) and the dream not seeing the light of day (‘American Dream’). This point also links with the meaning of the title of the novel.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial and Strategic Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Financial and Strategic Planning - Assignment Example ugh this venture, the hospital’s management will establish the feasibility, stability and the expected benefits of their ambitious plans and projects. Identifying the financial trends starts with report preparations generated by ratios or financial statements’ information, plus other financial reports. The Hospital decision makers will prop up their decisions on these findings and conclusions. Hospital profitability is a sure trend that ought to be assessed by the responsible financial analysts. Assessing the facility’s profitability entails establishing its income-earning ability plus the ability to protract growth in the long-term and short-term periods (Evans, 2000). Solvency is also a trend that ought to be addressed by the hospital. Solvency is the hospital’s ability to fulfill commitments to creditors plus other variant third parties, both in the short and long-term periods. Another trend worth looking at is the liquidity aspect of the hospital. This is translates to the hospital’s capacity to maintain positive income flow, and meeting immediate obligations. Solvency and Liquidity will be derived from the entity’s balance sheet which will outline the financial state of the hospital from specific time point(s). Stability trend of the hospital ought to be drawn to portray the hospital’s capability to stay put in operation. Deriving the stability trend will unearth the hospital’s capability to remain fully functional without sustaining major losses when in full-swing operation. The hospital’s management ought to look at labor trends where forecasts on the labor needs and the anticipated production as pertains the expansion of the facility. Decrease or increase of production will translate to alterations on production-related costs and other variant support services (Evans, 2000). This is linked to administrative trends that have characterized the hospital’s management and operations. Administrative trends encompass issues such as

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Accounting College Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Accounting College - Case Study Example Most incumbents at the time of the entry of Southwest Airlines are showing small profits because of low consumer demand, high operation and maintenance costs. However, Southwest Airlines' introduction of a new business model significantly altered this situation. It can be recalled that deregulation has lowered the barrier to entry in the industry as well as enhanced the competitiveness of the players which are previously receiving subsidy from the government. This, in turn, largely contributes to the cost efficiency of airline operators allowing them to charge lower prices to passengers. A low cost carrier like Southwest Airlines typically adopts a business model which offers only a single passenger class and a single type of airplane which allows the company to cut on training and servicing costs. Budget airlines also typically employ a very simple fare scheme which rewards early reservation by increasing the fare charged as the plane fills up. There is usually no reserved seating in order to allow customers to choose their own seats thereby encouraging early and quick boarding (Sorensen 2006). In order to drive down operation costs, technological innovation particularly the internet is used in order to eliminate the huge commission usuall y passed on to travel agencies. Budget airlines also prefer flying on secondary and simplified routes as well as having relatively shorter flights and faster turnaround times. Budget airlines, unlike larger air companies usually skip in-flight catering and other complimentary services replacing this with optional paid-for-in-flight food and drinks. In order to insulate themselves from future increases in oil prices, budget airlines often undertake aggressive fuel hedging, that is, "making advance purchases of fuel at a fixed price for future delivery" (Fuel Hedging 2006). The operation of an airline necessitates the investment in capital which includes the planes, and ports among others. Southwest Airlines also recruited pilots, stewardess, and staff which will run the operation. The company also pays mechanic for the maintenance of its fleet. Looking the company's cost structure; it incurs both direct and indirect costs in order to keep the business running. The fixed costs associated with Southwest Airlines' operations include the monthly maintenance of the mechanic, the insurance paid for its fleet, the expenses associated with the leased properties like the airport, electricity expenses in its offices, and even the rent expense that it pays for its booking premises. These fixed costs can be seen as indirect expenses because they cannot be necessarily identified with a specific product or value (Garrison et al, 2007). These costs are incurred as the air carrier operates and are very significant to keep it in business. However, they cannot be direc tly linked to the specific process of product and process costs. In its daily operations, Southwest Airlines shoulders operations cost. As opposed to business organizations which can directly identify the costs associated in creating a product which is suitable to a specific customer order or requirement, Southwest Airlin

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foreign Exchange Dealing Room Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Foreign Exchange Dealing Room - Essay Example According to the world- wide central banking organization which is the Bank for International Settlements, the amount of daily trading done in the forex market is more than three trillion US Dollars. Thus the trading amount is so much that it is much larger than all of the US stock markets taken together. Here, trading from the whole world is done with or without the involvement of hard cash. The trading begins in Sydney everyday, and moves first to Tokyo followed by London and then New York as the business day start in every financial sector. The exchange rates are shown around the world continuously on the computer. The trading takes place when any trader quotes a price for any currency on his machine, and then anyone in the word willing to trade at that particular price can reply to that message and trade. Thus the buyer and sellers can be from any country and virtually trade with other without being present at any particular. The trading takes place between three continents which makes it possible to react or change any decision by any trader regarding his trading activity any event or activity. The value of a particular currency relative to other currencies is influenced by many factors but the main factor affecting it is pure supply and demand of the market. If the demand rises or supply falls, it results in price rise or price fall respectively. 1. DEALING ROOM-ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Its organization consists of two tiers namely the retail tier and the wholesale tier. In the retail tier, trading in forex is done by the small agents whereas in the wholesale tier, the dealings between dispersed and diverse banks and big financial institutions , multinational corporations take place. In the forex market, the traders and the individuals have different access levels unlike the stock market, where every client can access the same price of stocks like the other participants or individuals. Whereas in the forex market, on the top level, there is the biggest investment banking firms like Citi and Deutsche Bank. At this level, where the difference between

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Reagan Presidency Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Reagan Presidency - Research Paper Example This, coupled with foreign policy mistakes such as the handling of the Iranian hostage crisis made the current president, Jimmy Carter, a very unpopular figure. Ronald Reagan ran on a platform of returning pride to America. Many citizens felt that the country was in a state of decline due to the weak economy and the Iranian hostage crisis. Ronald Reagan promised to take a hard line with states such as Iran, as well as the archenemy of the United States, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He said that he would return America to a position of strength on the international stage, called the enemies of America evil and proposed and economic program that would cut taxes and reduce regulations in an effort to stimulate growth in the economy. Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election by a landslide. President Reagan made good on his economic promises early. He appointed individuals to governmental agencies that were given the task of dismantling regulations that hurt American b usiness. The Environmental Protection Agency under James Watt was especially vigorous in slashing through prior regulations. Under President Reagan, controls on natural gas and oil drilling, timber harvesting and surface water protection were all relaxed (Lash et al 1984). Regulations were also relaxed on savings and loans in an effort to increase growth in this sector of the finance industry. This deregulation led to a record number of savings and loan failures in the 1980’s This relaxing of regulations was just one part of a supply-side economic theory that became known as â€Å"Reaganomics.† The thought was that if constraints on business growth were removed, such as taxes and regulations, then more profitable businesses would grow and create more jobs. This job creation would benefit the business owners first; because they would make more money through business expansion, but then the theory said that the benefits would eventually â€Å"trickle down† to the workers and employees. More profitable corporations should result in more jobs with higher wages. Today, the debate still rages as to whether Reaganomics and the trickle down theory worked. The American economy did improve, but many economists point to the fact that record government spending on the military and soaring federal budget deficits drove much of this growth. Other economists point out the fact that the better wages never materialized because the wealth created by lower taxes and less regulation never trickled down, it stayed at the top (Perotti 1992, 311-16). President Reagan enjoyed many successes when it came to implementing his foreign policy. He took a hard stance against Communism across the entire globe. Any nation that was battling communist rebels or insurgents could usually depend on foreign support from the United States. At the very end of his second term, Ronald Reagan saw the beginnings of the end of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev had introduced Glasnost as the official policy of the ruling communist party. Changes were rapidly happening that would see the Berlin Wall come down, many of the former Soviet Republics break away from Russia and Eastern Europe have free and fair elections for the first time in two generations. Many of these changes were attributed to the policies put in place during the Reagan Presidency. Unfortunately, not all of Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy initiatives were successful or even legal. The administration became mired down

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing and contrasting Booker T. Washington's 'Up from Slavery' Essay

Comparing and contrasting Booker T. Washington's 'Up from Slavery' story and W.E.B. Du Bois 'The Souls of Black Folk' story - Essay Example Both men wrote extensively, and often from very different viewpoints, regarding the position of the black man in the post-Civil War American society, having a profound impact upon how these individuals were perceived by the greater American public and playing large roles in both establishing educational facilities for black children and in organizing advocacy groups for the black people. As can be seen in his autobiography, Up From Slavery, Washington felt that the best way to help the black man was to train him in ‘industrial’ type jobs while Du Bois, as can be seen in â€Å"Of the Training of Black Men† in The Souls of Black Folk, felt that the black man could best benefit from the same type of classical education deemed important for white men. Writing his autobiography in 1901, Washington details his rise from the ranks of slavery to the position of a degreed professor even as he highlights the various reasons why he feels an industrial education is the correct course of action for the majority of black men and women. Writing in an easy, flowing style, Washington works to present himself as clearly as possible, making it easy to understand the major events of his life as well as to see where the founding principles of his ideas came from. The concept of including technical education in with ‘book learning’ as he founded Tuskegee was one borrowed from Washington’s early educational experiences at the Hampton school, where students were encouraged to increase their academic knowledge while retaining a connection to their rural heritage. It was believed that by doing so, the students would be encouraged to re-invest their education into the communities from which they came, thereby helping to elevate the situation of the entire race. â€Å"We wanted to give them such a practical knowledge of some one industry, together

Monday, September 23, 2019

Domestic finance and microfinance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Domestic finance and microfinance - Assignment Example Their role in the market makes a big difference between the two lending institutions. It’s also vital noting that the amount they finance differs in terms of their amount and their requirement. The motive of MFIs was to help the low-income people access banking as opposed to the commercial banks that have different target group (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). Lastly, MFIs can provide loans to low-income earners on the basis formation groups. As compared to the commercial banks, MFIs are effective in working with the low-income earners. Governments also support their operations in order to boost their economy. The MFIs play crucial roles in the developing of a countrys economy. They help the members of such countries in setting up their business by financing them. They also help them people in understanding the need to do savings through their training forums. Through their operations, they help in increasing supply and circulation of money. Moreover, in terms of management they help them to know what they are required to do in managing what they have and use those assets to generate income (Ledgerwood &White, 2006). However, as the MFIs operates, they are not allowed to spread misleading information as a way of persuading their target customers. In this case, ethical standards regulating banking sector remains a must to them too and never bleach

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Business - Essay Example Company has adopted a franchise model to manage its stores (KFC, 2011). There is a tremendous amount of planning that goes into the business. One of the most important is supply chain management. The supply chain is very vast as there are numerous raw materials required for the company to deliver the finished products. Therefore, different raw materials from different suppliers need to be at the right place and at the right time for the operations to run smoothly. Hence, planning is essential in managing the supply chain operations. Planning is also essential in strategy making aspects of the business such as marketing, branding, pricing, etc. Another important aspect of the business that needs planning is the management of the human resources. Each restaurant has many employees working both part time and full time, and in different shifts. This needs intelligent planning on the company’s part in order to ensure effectiveness in its operations. There is a lot of organization in the business. The top management is responsible for executing level management of the company which involves strategy making on various aspects of the business such as expansion, advertising, branding, pricing, growth, investment, etc. The organization must have a top-down approach to management, which means that it has a vertical decision making hierarchy. There are various levels of middle management as the company has operations in different countries with each country needing customised approach. The first line managers are vital to the overall operations as they are the ones who are responsible for delivering the products and services to the customers. They take care of entire management of restaurants at ground

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The emancipation proclamation Essay Example for Free

The emancipation proclamation Essay The emancipation proclamation was an historic moment in the history of the United States. It did not only come at a time when the country was being faced by slavery problems but also at the time when the country was at the height of its bloodiest civil war. The emancipation proclamation was issued by the US president Abraham Lincoln and consisted of two different executive orders. The executive orders were issued by the president as the commander-in-chief of the United States army and navy, were meant to free slaves and end slavery altogether. The first executive order was issued in September 22, 1862 and was to free slaves from the hands of states under confederate states of America that had not joined the Union by January 1, 1863. The second one was made in January 1, 1863 and was more specific as it stated the states where the order would apply (Christopher 56). Abraham Lincoln was born in February 12, 1809 and raised in Kentucky. He married his wife Mary Todd in 1842 and together bore four sons, but unfortunately only one of his sons (Robert) survived childhood (Thomas Burlingame, 56). The United States 16th president had a little formal education and is said to have been self-educated. He nevertheless became a lawyer and joined Republican Party as a politician which helped him assume presidency in 1860. During his term in office, the southern states pulled out of the Union citing that president Lincoln and the northerners did not approve of slavery. President Lincoln faced a lot of challenges during the five year periods he served as the president. First, a war broke out between the southerners and the northerners six weeks into his presidency. In what was to later become a bloodiest American civil war, the states within the Union fought the states under the Confederacy for five years. In a tactically move to win the war president Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation in September 22, 1862 which required the states outside the Union to free all slaves. The second one in January of the following was the most effective as it saw a number of slaves being released. He succumbed to assassin’s bullet in 1865 just a year after being re-elected the United States president (Thomas Burlingame, 102). Abraham Lincoln was highly regarded as a great human rights defender as was illustrated by his Gettysburg Address in November 1863. In this short speech he called on Americans to ensure human freedom if it has to survive as a nation. His legacy has been defined in the history book as the man who freed millions from slavery and changed the course of that heinous act. The emancipation proclamation that was issued twice in a span of less than six months was a well orchestrated plan to have slavery abolished in the United States. The first proclamation prepared the way for the second one. Into the second year of the American civil war, Lincoln issued the second executive order barring slavery in the Confederate states (Crowther, 55). This was more specific as it not only stated the intended states wanted to stop slavery but also gave a time frame of a hundred days from January 1, 1863. Ten southern states; South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi and Arkansas were mentioned in this second order. The states of Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland and Missouri that practiced slavery were not included in the order because they were under the Union. Exemption was also extended to the Tennessee state which was neither under the union nor the confederacy and the numerous counties that had joined the Union before January 1, 1863 (Crowther, 56). Implementation was very swift as the Union commanders stationed in the marked states helped to enforce the proclamation (Christopher 67). Although, the immediate impact of the second executive order is not well documented, it is believed that several slaves were freed immediately by many states especially in the regions that were occupied by the Union forces. These states included North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Alabama and South Carolina. Regions within those states that were under the Union occupancy released most slaves upon the emancipation proclamation (Poulter, 48). During the entire period of emancipation, no violent acts were reported between the masters and the ex-slaves (Crowther, 76). However, the proclamation changed the course of the American civil war. There was a big shift in the initial objectives of the war prompted by the northerners. From the initial aims of uniting the two regions, a new agenda was born. It must be noted that Abraham Lincoln’s aim at first, was to use emancipation proclamation to force the Confederate states to join the Union. He exempted states that practiced slavery and were within the Union but ordered those under the Confederacy to end slavery in their states. This informed the opinion that the objectives of the emancipation proclamation was to help the Union win the civil war (Klingaman, 234). Although, unprecedented at the beginning, the proclamation set the stage for the abolitionists to fight for abolition of slavery in America. Thus a new agenda was born; to fight for human freedom in the United States. The proclamation did not escape political debates at the time. Most democrats, who were opposed to the civil war and supported the secession as well as slavery in the south, rejected the emancipation proclamation. It was so much politicized that in the 1862 elections, it became an issue in the campaigns, which saw the democrats up their numbers in the house by 28. The other democrats, who bought into the Lincoln’s objectives of the war, backed off and did not support the emancipation decree. President Lincoln saw the political opposition increasing by the day and therefore used the Gettysburg Address to indirectly refer to his proclamation and abolition of slavery as a new war objective by using his famous phrase a â€Å"new birth of freedom†. This endeared him towards the pro-abolitionists within his republican party that helped his re-nomination in the 1864 elections (Berlin, 260). The emancipation proclamation twist in the American civil war changed the foreign opinions about the war. The Great Britain involvement in the war had brought it diplomatic tension with the United States. At first, before the proclamation, United Kingdom had favored the Confederacy’s quest to secede especially when it provided the southerners with the British-made warships. But the northerners were strongly determined to win the war at all costs and the Trent Affair of 1861 only worsened the situation between the two countries (Klingaman, 234). The emancipation proclamation then changed everything. The British were forced to reconsider their support for confederacy because such a support would be viewed as a support for slavery, a practice they had long abolished. The confederacy’s case for secession never received much sympathy thereafter and the Union cause was salvaged. Many international leaders hailed Lincoln’s decisive and bold steps in fulfilling the dreams of American forefathers. Proclamation therefore came at the right time as the initial tension between the United States and European nations was eased and the union conduct in the war was never scrutinized as their cause was now favored (Christopher 54). Towards the end of the war, the pro-abolition groups got concerned that the proclamation would never be recognized after the war as people would consider it as a decree made for the war according to Berlin (260) they also desired to see the freedom of all slaves in America; not only those within the Confederacy but also those within the Union states. These prompted them to pressed Lincoln to seek a constitutional amendment that would secure freedom for all slaves. In his 1864 presidential campaigns, Lincoln was forced to pledge a constitutional amendment that would abolish slavery in the entire United States. His campaigns were boasted by separate abolition laws passed by two different states – Maryland and Missouri in 1864. After being re-elected, Lincoln hurriedly forced the 38th congress to amend the constitution as fast as possible and January 1865 was the historic moment for all slaves in America. The congress passed to the state lawmakers for ratification the 13th amendment, barring any form of slavery within the borders and territories of the United States. After being ratified in December 1865, the law took effect after twelve days. It is estimated that about 40,000 slaves and 1,000 slaves were released immediately in Kentucky and Delaware respectively (Christopher, 58). Although some have consistently criticized Lincoln as a white supremacist who only made the decree after being pressed by the abolitionists who wanted racial reforms, his legacy will forever remain in the memory of all American races. He took a bold step not only to savage the Union from disintegration but also secured the freedom of the slaves. His belief in human freedom and goodwill to see his dreams through saw the end of heinous act that is slavery at a time when there was tension everywhere. He achieved a lot within a span of five years considering the opposition he faced from all corners of the country and even internationally. He simply won two wars with Emancipation Proclamation. Work Cited Berlin, Ira, Eds. Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation 1861-1867, Vol. 1: The Destruction of Slavery, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1985, p. 260 Christopher Ewan. â€Å"The Emancipation Proclamation and British Public Opinion The Historian, Vol. 67, 2005, p. 34-78 Crowther, Edward R. â€Å"Emancipation Proclamation†. In Encyclopedia of the American Civil War. Heidler, David S. and Heidler, Jeanne T (Eds), 2000, p. 45-78 Klingaman, William. Abraham Lincoln and the Road to Emancipation, 1861-1865 New York: Viking Press, 2001, p. 234 Poulter, Keith. Slaves Immediately Freed by the Emancipation Proclamation, North South vol. 5 no. 1, December 2001, p. 48 Thomas, Benjamin Burlingame, Michael. Abraham Lincoln: A Biography, California: SIU Press, 2008, p. 23-500

Friday, September 20, 2019

Design of Internet Service Application on WAP Device

Design of Internet Service Application on WAP Device Abstract The ultimate aim of our project is to provide the design and development for an reliable internet service application which workable on the WAP enabled wireless handheld devices like mobile phone ,PDA(personal digital assistant) but mobile phone will focused mainly on this. To design a WAP application that will be usable by stock market user to receive and check related information like up-to-date stock value , stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status in the service directly from their mobile devices. This project concern the developing, testing of a WAP based system for wireless handhelds devices like mobile phone to help the stock market user while on the move for instance the user can access to internet even when they travelling from geographical location to another . the idea of this application is to consider one that in principle not only delivering that data which involves in stock market updates and reliable and securely but one will be rapidly aware the user about the market changes in real time without even in the whilst in office or home , whilst we travelling , to the demand form of communication specially whilst o the move The Stock Market system will be based on WAP architecture for mobile devices. This project will demonstrate how practical and possible will it be to use a mobile internet on the mobile phone to check the stock market value for a particular company whilst on the move. the user can have access to know the current price of the stock and it latest information At click of the button without physically present in front of the stock market office or by watching Television at the someplace. The whole project framework is aim on to Create a WAP application which based on a server side application which could be the company to join a venture with the users to input the data to form a given result. And it important to aware of the modern days application are adapted by the user to improve their capabilities. According to the research board of project believe that the user application projects are lead to failure if it not fully obtain the user demands and requirement for particular needs.The possibly good market for such system will be investigated into further develop to refine a set of clients requirement . there will be a good response for such an application in the market which intended on user who has invested a solid amount in bonds , shares and gilts , and these are all designed to make life easier in such a way it enable the use to make decision at particular time to sell and buy stock such time . 1. Introduction 1.1 Brief Stocks are considered riskier investments ,the value of a stock could at peak and drop down on the rate of the share by every time ,it completely depends on the situation of economy .for instance I am a stockholder having 500 share on a private company. Currently the value of my share is at good rate,and if I want to know what is market value of share with other company .Likewise most of the stock market holder are keen to know the latest information in real time .However it is only possible when the share holder are have a chance to watching news or log on a computer that they would be aware of the situation. Nowadays, most people on the move have at least one mobile device, a mobile phone or a PDA .so why not provide the stock market information as soon as possible directly on these mobile phones?.It can be either on a push basis or pull basis .push basis a like a push message it automatically send the latest information to the user whoever subscribe to the push service , in other hand pull message where the user have to send a request first to get the required response. Most of the people nowadays having mobile phone along them and from which would the user also can access to the internet and other communication uses. Currently the mobile phones are very cheaper and popular in the market when we comparing with other kinds of electronic device However the mobile based stock market tracking system will allows the user to check the latest information of the stock value in the market. There is good market scope for mobile communication due the feasibility and support of the communication at time . and other important of mobile internet is that a user can to be in up-to-date information on necessary thinks needed like weather , flash NEWS, email etc . this would be a viable alternative from traditional fixed internet for PCs and implementation of the mobile internet which is very convenience for us. Like Benjamin Franklin so rightly said, Forewarned is forearmed. So, on consumers point of view, yes, there is a potential need for this application. Moreover, most mobile phone network providers nowadays offer certain amount of free internet browsing on their mobile handsets each month. Users would prefer to use their free offer to check for stock information rather than dialling or texting a phone number, which are usually charged at premium rate, to get that same information. In terms of benefits for the stock exchange company, this will be an improvement of their customer service and keeping up-to-date with new technology. Staffs involved with providing information over the phone for those travellers who still feel at ease with that means, will be able to provide a better quality of service as he or she would not be under so much pressure of dealing with all the calls waiting in the queue. Moreover, staffs at the will fewer enquiries to deal with as commuters will be informed wel l in advance. As author Ben Salter and Alex Michael mentioned .thirteen per cent of mobile subscribes reported accessing news and information via a mobile browser in June 2004. [ REF 1 ] The both author believe that current number of user accessing the mobile internet to browser will increases in feature 1.2 Relevance to course Modules The product based project are really challengeable to undertake but these are possible and manageable from the modules taught over the degree few of them are very help in understanding the cirtical part of the project. Some of the important module are helpful to this project are dicussed below. 1.2.1 CCM2418 (Digital and Mobile Systems) and CCM2420 Data Communications These both modules are very useful and module which let me know about fundamental communication knowledge .we started with the simple data how it goes through different stage of process and to final point of the information at that level were we want know about web connection level what involves in modulation , demodulation , multiplexing and error checking 1.2.2 CCM3415 (Advanced Network Design and Security) and CCM2412 (Network Routing and Protocols) In these both modules were important and necessary because most of the topics we learned were associated to computer networks, and it is contributed a very important role in this project , the areas have taught in these modules includes the fundamental of the network which OSI layer model . And another important area which is protocol on the network that are the set of rule govern the network . this was the whole set of the internet , which is the keen important to largest network 1.2.3 CCM3413 (Mobile Internet Applications and Services) This was the module inspired and gave the knowledge to choose this project ,actually i learned the fundamental of the two-tier architecture , WAP technology , PHP , these topics are playing a main role in this project , module given a full scope of the internet and their uses in different device but we mainly focus on the Mobile Internet which inducted me to undertake this Project 1.2.4 CCM2426 (Professional Project Development) In this module we learn how to work in group and make it as a team. We all worked together and put all our work in to one piece of report. And we learned business ethics and how to implement them in the real life and we have discussed about computer science ethics which some very important issues in the modern day computer field which includes legal issues , copyrights and piracy theses information areas will be more helpful when we starting the marketing and involved in the business related application then there we have to implement this strategies . in past few years piracy issues are increasing in a very dramatic way due the high speed internet available and this reflected on the computer business and they seeking for legal expect to avoid this kind of problem in future . 1.2.5 CCM3422 (Computer Communications Project) This module has take place a major role of this project, according to the principle of Computer Communication Project, it involves in to scheduling and estimating technology 1.3 Literature Review My project is consisting of many different numbers of components which performs in different step in its construction and completion. to get this project as one one working model or product ,it has to process through many tasks and topics. And each and every topic in this project are constantly analysis and studied so that all every aspect are fit and work as one whole product . This project are covered from different topics and areas that were research is been taken form many source which includes text books , online materials journals and past projects . some important resource are used for the research are mentioned below with reviews and definitions. D.Houghand K. Zafar according to their point of view .there are millions of user subscribes to mobile network .these are include everyone from computer executive director to unskilled ordinary labour (Bale Bulb rook). With the benefits of the WAP enable mobile device such as mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA ) and pager are developed to access the internet right on the mobile device able to access the phone banking , price checking , product purchase or sale , any sport result and much more According to authors E.Evan ,P.Ashworth .the wireless device are increase in dramatic way and number of user to communicate , interact on the move, there is a survey showing that right now there is least One billion wireless are subscribes and soon will be increase to twice the amount now (P.Ashworth and E.Evans ,) There are so many user are subscribe and using the WAP. With help of WAP people are getting the same usual format option as exactly From A personal Computer but these are depends on our convenience and so this will lead to big revolution of the internet in the mobile device and change the traditional way of accessing the internet .Eventually public will notice the real impact of WAP devices how it will change the way of accessing internet and they would know the benefits of using this technology , more user will subscribes to network and it will start to grow on numerous way on a new form of communication because it will start using the new will get start using the new technology and they will reply on the advantage ( Frerrel, ZOO ) In Karli Watsons book (beginning WAP) . when we considering development of the todays communication world some factors are comes first but wireless communication having big impact and revolution over the public and number of users are incredibly increasing at a dramatic amount of subscribing are using and amount of data interchanging in speed at which we access the business and another uses . In less than ten year time it will have a tremendous amount of development from initial level of the internet user from the traditional network But there was a doubt on the factor of reliability and usability of the WAP access, On 2000 Ramsay and Neilson have noted in their book that the WAP is not really functional and popular now but it will be score a good reputation and developed system after 2001.Due to scale of operation grows it will led more difficulties observation. To learning Unified model language (UML) introduce will helps and leads as work along with language focused in this book , the author help to keep the clear view on the UML language and help to protect in the cobwets of methodoly. Fred R.Mcfadden and Jeffery A.Hoffer, , are interest on information resource management (IRM) are here to consider as normal way we do with everyday methods ,equipment . in other word the matter of information is a superior component and business resource and must has to treat as other asset such as student , things and etcs. Mcload and Brittain , are suggesting the basic ideas of IRM from their point of view According Ian Summervilles book is focused at student who undertaking the project in under graduation and graduate at software engineering . they have least know and done some fundamental engineering course such as programming languages . This book is full of general and basic idea of new update on some important topics such as , dependable system , requirement engineering, and architecture design. 1.4 Analysis from Literature Review This application is to designed to track the Stock Market status report through WAP enable device . the idea of this application is to provide a service for the user to check their desirable company stock rate on the particular date and a response will send back to user using programmed database and techniques. The main purpose for this application was to reducing time , developing the reliability and efficiency of use when comparing with current application or system . According to the Ramsay and Neilson personal view of WAP and they believed that WAP had a very big impact on the todays technology that we been using ever since it introduces of the this system in the market .it had a breakthrough with other opponent technology but it still had better critics among with other technology P.Ashworth, E.Evans were best authors where keen to know about the feature of mobile communication , actually both were intended to show in their book , to tell what is the feature of M-commerce as of from this decades to next decades development opportunities. M-commerce is the combination of the traditional web system and the wireless connection, Farrell were interested in studying the future of WAP technology to access the internet on mobile service and tried to explain the benefits of this system over people to use their mobile device to access the web browser or internet , even as our todays live is becoming more amd more difficult by day after day so technology might have to help the problem with changing it same system or service for instance ,internet is access from system which through traditional network but would change it technology and developed into wireless internet that is possible by the WAP technology . But according to Ian Somerville in their book Software Engineering ,they had a new form of ideas to develop and view a project by eight different parts which include an brief intro to software engineering , application designing , coding , validation and verifications , critical systems ,managements and software evaluation .this book also covers the system distribution architecture , and software development .the critical software system in consisted and integrated with the reliability , accessiably , security and avaliabilty so these are mentioned as a different topics. Jeffery A. Hoofer and Fred R. McFadden in thier book Modern Database Management they were talked about the database in a larger sector how the larger context of information resource are stored and manage in a dedicated database . In other hand Craig mentioning about the life cycle of the software and he says that UML depends on the different life cycle development model i.e. Spiral Model , Incremental Model and finally Waterfall Models , UML is depends upon the object oriented programming paradigm . so I am using one of the best model software life cycle model which Watetfall models. 2.1 Aims The ultimate aim of this project to create and build a stock market quote that allows the user to quote the stock company and accessing these are all done by selecting appropriate option on the device to have a customer needs. And there will a database is designed for the data to processed from the user and they able to pass their won information. 2.2 Objectives The objectives in project will be divided into two different informant categories ,in each category will further divided into subsection so that each and every phase will be individually discussed and this will lead to achieve a best possible end result of the Final product . Design based objective: Design based objective actually it involved in idea for framework the specified requirement for the user needs. It will really help the consumer and design from business prospect to achieve the best possible result . To build a system following key point must accomplished Modelling the system from requirement specification Implementing the requirement specification of the system using appropriate development tool Of course , testing ,evaluation and debugging the protocol against the system requirement . A created database will be use as a model for this project instead using the stock market databases Research based objectives: In order to give up- to- date software or system . we must have to be focus and to certain to changes will happened on the current system in terms in future development and challenges and often happened in the software industry. There are some of important ways for getting the software awareness by following few steps By examining people who using the daily basis and observe main fact toward the stock market assessment involves by taking surveys and feedback on the web pages usability Offering alternative or current option available to stock exchange quote and their mentioning their advantage and drawback. 2.3 Software Life Cycle and Methodology for the Project Software life cycle which related to our daily life process and it filters all process over each and every stage in our life. It is pretty commonly known fact that relation pound exits between the product class and process quality is directly equal to the result of the Product is created . the software development is neither inevitable nor efficient to produce good piece of product ,but it is also very ease to keep your product as it is . A software life cycle for the project is model used to describes the phase or stage which a software development goes through . there is other way we can also describes a software life cycle models as A software life cycle is vision of the perspective active that happens during software development [REF 5] . these factors were helping us to understand and improve the basic characteristics and activities of the software life cycle The software life cycle is best way to describe overall process involved in the project. Some important processes are described below. Help the project manager to keep the project on the track Describes the basic function that are excepted through the Project to per perform in period of software development Describes the major stage or phase of the software development Provides a general outlook od details tasks so that the we will know the every process involves in software development This Project is development by the waterfall model. Waterfall model is method used for software development process ,it goes through serious of precious step by step method and process is looks as like as waterfall .The advantage of using the waterfall modal is we can organized ,chronological approach to software develop of our projects than beginning at system level and download to next steps .forward through software development in analysis, testing, coding and management . If the software is developed for large scale system so the effects need established for all system fundamental level and assign some division of particular tasks requirement through of software.. 2.3.1 Waterfall Model: Waterfall is commonly used and adopted in software development field . From the Waterfall Model the software development is very simple and straight forward. The software development will simple as it iluustrated diagram and it says that will easier as ever before from any model . actually Waterfall model is designed to develop the software as simple method of order of segments as figure illustrated below, every segments and stage or phase are put into a distinct goals so that the any segments contributed to a software development are achieved successfully. Software Requirement In software development it is vital to gathering requirement of the software and analysis process is very important for a Software based project to build up and focus of the software .In order to know the nature of the program itself to built, one should understand and analysis the requirement of the software and domain need. To gather the requirement we have form and fellow a simple method with some of topic needed to clarified in order to get started this Project. Design a software Software designing naturally is a major and complex step process. To achieve a design process successful we have to interprets requirement into representation of the software. There so many reason and factor get the error on the software design. Coding/ Programming The designing a software which involves in varies of area to accomplished to form in machine-readable . so code generation is takes place in this step. In this step we actually test the code of our project. System evaluation/Testing Once the coding has done, the testing process begins. In this step it will point out any thing on the consist and logical parts of software to make suer which the given statements are correct and it have been tested. And another important part of test is function external testing and it is carried out to make sure that defined input statement will pass and produces actual result Maintenance Any changes or an error could happened. Once the Product has reached the end user which is the consumer . so it is important for a software to adopt into the real world use .the conditions of changes might happen on both side of the parties for instance If the consumer would like to change the option available on the current system by any chance. So it is vital for software development to maintain all the option and feature are must to be up-to-date Project Management Project management activities which involves in schedules ,planner, organization and creating tasks and document like Risk plan, SRS, configuration management and software development plan were produced .so for my Project i decides to use Work Breakdown System as project management 2.4 Work Breakdown System (WBS) WBS is a break down system which is commonly used method in all computer project to achieve all tasks in the project to produce to one workable system. With help of this sort of methodology which help our project to on the right track . in our case to produce a WAP based system to stock market on the mobile devices. 3 Problem definitions Someone who is travelling or is away from their workplace, it is often not possible to gain access from a fixed internet enabled device. But in home environment we would able to access to internet via the local network . Mobile devices are playing major in todays communication world and it becoming very usual and common thing just seem for time. This seem like without this one might thing like a breakdown in the milestone of the telecommunication in this time . Good thing is almost all of latest mobile phones and devices are embedded with WAP-enable so this encourage the user to use this kind of services and the connection are made device by connecting to server which is provided by the network service provider, so therefore provide a service which keep market users, , who spend a proportion of their typical day in the process of accessing to the stock market and tracking on market , latest informed of stock variation, stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status, current company news profile . The big question is whether, there is a potential large scale need for such type of service by the stock market. Stock market information is not easily available perhaps unless you are make a phone request or log on to the Internet; and while on the move it is often very difficult to get internet access without a WAP enabled mobile phone or PDA. It is quite simple to imagine that technology is backbone of todays modern world, in this technology world the most important rule is played by the Software System. Almost everyone have to come across with the modern technology every day after day. But few technology development have made tremendous implement with presenting a new form of application performance , attached feature and way of interaction between the user and system these systems are really capable of do anything form a low- level basic need like TV remote to highly sophisacted and sensitive system like Bank transaction these all designed for one single purpose make life easier. Wired communication systems have as their main disadvantage the lack of mobility; wireless systems have the big advantage of supporting mobility of system use. In this modern world technology are getting even better ,not only in technology also in way of communication are now .The development of the mobile internet, mobile devices, applications and the provision of services such as the one proposed here attract considerable attention and effort in these time; there were number of studies and research going to find an efficient mobile internet for mobile phones and other wireless devices One general requirement to ensure that the security of client there are variety of virus and attacker are waiting to corrupt or stole our data from us . so it important to guide the user to access the relevant information easy and rapid . there are two way for safe surf on the mobile internet Allow the user to surf the particular market report on the relevant web site on the micro-browser To allow data streaming to capture the information on the mamory User interface is another issue in mobile device ,due it small screen it just display very few information in simple manner . Brief product description: It is a client-server based application which will support multi-client. For example: User will input share company the which will be send as a request and the server should respond by sending the real time stock market value of the company share has traded over the previous 40 weeks It should be simple, with a suitable user interface and little user inputs so that the result is obtained the as soon as possible It should also support push services, where certain stockholder will be automatically alerted on their mobile should any changes in the service status occurs. The server should automatically push the information to the specific registered mobile users. Deliverables and Development Requirements To successful completion of the project the following items in list will be given in the final submission A hardcopy of the Project final report A softcopy of the Project final report A turnitin copy of the document Program code on the CD Software and development requirement used document Development requirement of the system are: MySQL Server Windows Vista Nokia series Designing a Application from user point of view. As stock quote is never easy before computer start to serve the user demand ,as a stock market person has to know the rate of the stock till up to date but these are possible by Internet as simple as single click you would know the value from past record to till now . In the period when the computer are not as personal computer those days the person itself has to find the stock value through Walk-in to the local newsagent to buy NEWS paper or Television or even Radio but this media were not that reliable as todays technology which Internet, computer ,wireless. But technology start to change the way of stock market working from the traditional method . However our aim is to provide a reliable method for a person to access the stock market condition as easy as possible by using it. So we have to design a application which will server the user need in simple way .,to fulfil there need as application designer has to thing generously from user point of view. Some of the questions are stri ked Is this application or service are able to served the user needs or it just focus on business prospective . Is the user getting any useful and benefit from the application or web page is been designed . How reliable is this application whether is based on other source or direct information from the stock company User interface is most important part for a application ,it must has to be easy to user to use . To design the WAP application we have to gather relevant information or opion from stock holders who really would get benefit from this WAP application as a user. I managed to contact two persons who using the computer to keep to know stock market rate. Their ultimate demand is that interface must has to simple and provide the useful information as simple as possible like simple graph, etc. So the application is designed to help the user so interface has to simple but not to find how to use it, this will leads poor impression on the application. However everyone has different thoughts from thinging of what they want to make them comfortable well i concluded the thoughts of stock market users what do they want the application has to appear and help them to easy way of tracking the current value of the stock market. Ease of use: As a normal user cannot read manual, particularly for some simple service like sending a message, so if they cannot know how to use the application ,they get frustrated and tent to leave the application altogether. That means if the application is not fully intuition, then people will get stuck and we might lose them forever. The user will not come to figure out how to get the application to work .Another ease of use factor is the difficulty of getting to a URL. When designing a software for certain purpose where the user could get useful by that . The software itself has to serve the purpose that made up for what .There is major role for design a application how it will become useable by user. However ,if the users goal and the applications are not same ,there may be a problem . for example user want to know the previous stock market rate and average of the rate by performs of the particular company stock from past fifteen days data report , in order to plan for feature plan and to analysis on the market .And if my application only provide the stock value for the past seven days ,in this case the application is not provide the solution to the user demand. To provide the full potential of the application to user by developing or designing the option in the application as simple as possible o obtain the what is wanted to use by the user. For instance If user if user is holding stock in five major companies shares ,for him or his need to see the top companies which he or she interested should show at first place instant of thousands of company from the list . So in here we deploying the user reliable context to reduce complex problem into simple solution. We can able to attract the user or customer to use our application or provide. The application must have to provides critical inf Design of Internet Service Application on WAP Device Design of Internet Service Application on WAP Device Abstract The ultimate aim of our project is to provide the design and development for an reliable internet service application which workable on the WAP enabled wireless handheld devices like mobile phone ,PDA(personal digital assistant) but mobile phone will focused mainly on this. To design a WAP application that will be usable by stock market user to receive and check related information like up-to-date stock value , stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status in the service directly from their mobile devices. This project concern the developing, testing of a WAP based system for wireless handhelds devices like mobile phone to help the stock market user while on the move for instance the user can access to internet even when they travelling from geographical location to another . the idea of this application is to consider one that in principle not only delivering that data which involves in stock market updates and reliable and securely but one will be rapidly aware the user about the market changes in real time without even in the whilst in office or home , whilst we travelling , to the demand form of communication specially whilst o the move The Stock Market system will be based on WAP architecture for mobile devices. This project will demonstrate how practical and possible will it be to use a mobile internet on the mobile phone to check the stock market value for a particular company whilst on the move. the user can have access to know the current price of the stock and it latest information At click of the button without physically present in front of the stock market office or by watching Television at the someplace. The whole project framework is aim on to Create a WAP application which based on a server side application which could be the company to join a venture with the users to input the data to form a given result. And it important to aware of the modern days application are adapted by the user to improve their capabilities. According to the research board of project believe that the user application projects are lead to failure if it not fully obtain the user demands and requirement for particular needs.The possibly good market for such system will be investigated into further develop to refine a set of clients requirement . there will be a good response for such an application in the market which intended on user who has invested a solid amount in bonds , shares and gilts , and these are all designed to make life easier in such a way it enable the use to make decision at particular time to sell and buy stock such time . 1. Introduction 1.1 Brief Stocks are considered riskier investments ,the value of a stock could at peak and drop down on the rate of the share by every time ,it completely depends on the situation of economy .for instance I am a stockholder having 500 share on a private company. Currently the value of my share is at good rate,and if I want to know what is market value of share with other company .Likewise most of the stock market holder are keen to know the latest information in real time .However it is only possible when the share holder are have a chance to watching news or log on a computer that they would be aware of the situation. Nowadays, most people on the move have at least one mobile device, a mobile phone or a PDA .so why not provide the stock market information as soon as possible directly on these mobile phones?.It can be either on a push basis or pull basis .push basis a like a push message it automatically send the latest information to the user whoever subscribe to the push service , in other hand pull message where the user have to send a request first to get the required response. Most of the people nowadays having mobile phone along them and from which would the user also can access to the internet and other communication uses. Currently the mobile phones are very cheaper and popular in the market when we comparing with other kinds of electronic device However the mobile based stock market tracking system will allows the user to check the latest information of the stock value in the market. There is good market scope for mobile communication due the feasibility and support of the communication at time . and other important of mobile internet is that a user can to be in up-to-date information on necessary thinks needed like weather , flash NEWS, email etc . this would be a viable alternative from traditional fixed internet for PCs and implementation of the mobile internet which is very convenience for us. Like Benjamin Franklin so rightly said, Forewarned is forearmed. So, on consumers point of view, yes, there is a potential need for this application. Moreover, most mobile phone network providers nowadays offer certain amount of free internet browsing on their mobile handsets each month. Users would prefer to use their free offer to check for stock information rather than dialling or texting a phone number, which are usually charged at premium rate, to get that same information. In terms of benefits for the stock exchange company, this will be an improvement of their customer service and keeping up-to-date with new technology. Staffs involved with providing information over the phone for those travellers who still feel at ease with that means, will be able to provide a better quality of service as he or she would not be under so much pressure of dealing with all the calls waiting in the queue. Moreover, staffs at the will fewer enquiries to deal with as commuters will be informed wel l in advance. As author Ben Salter and Alex Michael mentioned .thirteen per cent of mobile subscribes reported accessing news and information via a mobile browser in June 2004. [ REF 1 ] The both author believe that current number of user accessing the mobile internet to browser will increases in feature 1.2 Relevance to course Modules The product based project are really challengeable to undertake but these are possible and manageable from the modules taught over the degree few of them are very help in understanding the cirtical part of the project. Some of the important module are helpful to this project are dicussed below. 1.2.1 CCM2418 (Digital and Mobile Systems) and CCM2420 Data Communications These both modules are very useful and module which let me know about fundamental communication knowledge .we started with the simple data how it goes through different stage of process and to final point of the information at that level were we want know about web connection level what involves in modulation , demodulation , multiplexing and error checking 1.2.2 CCM3415 (Advanced Network Design and Security) and CCM2412 (Network Routing and Protocols) In these both modules were important and necessary because most of the topics we learned were associated to computer networks, and it is contributed a very important role in this project , the areas have taught in these modules includes the fundamental of the network which OSI layer model . And another important area which is protocol on the network that are the set of rule govern the network . this was the whole set of the internet , which is the keen important to largest network 1.2.3 CCM3413 (Mobile Internet Applications and Services) This was the module inspired and gave the knowledge to choose this project ,actually i learned the fundamental of the two-tier architecture , WAP technology , PHP , these topics are playing a main role in this project , module given a full scope of the internet and their uses in different device but we mainly focus on the Mobile Internet which inducted me to undertake this Project 1.2.4 CCM2426 (Professional Project Development) In this module we learn how to work in group and make it as a team. We all worked together and put all our work in to one piece of report. And we learned business ethics and how to implement them in the real life and we have discussed about computer science ethics which some very important issues in the modern day computer field which includes legal issues , copyrights and piracy theses information areas will be more helpful when we starting the marketing and involved in the business related application then there we have to implement this strategies . in past few years piracy issues are increasing in a very dramatic way due the high speed internet available and this reflected on the computer business and they seeking for legal expect to avoid this kind of problem in future . 1.2.5 CCM3422 (Computer Communications Project) This module has take place a major role of this project, according to the principle of Computer Communication Project, it involves in to scheduling and estimating technology 1.3 Literature Review My project is consisting of many different numbers of components which performs in different step in its construction and completion. to get this project as one one working model or product ,it has to process through many tasks and topics. And each and every topic in this project are constantly analysis and studied so that all every aspect are fit and work as one whole product . This project are covered from different topics and areas that were research is been taken form many source which includes text books , online materials journals and past projects . some important resource are used for the research are mentioned below with reviews and definitions. D.Houghand K. Zafar according to their point of view .there are millions of user subscribes to mobile network .these are include everyone from computer executive director to unskilled ordinary labour (Bale Bulb rook). With the benefits of the WAP enable mobile device such as mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA ) and pager are developed to access the internet right on the mobile device able to access the phone banking , price checking , product purchase or sale , any sport result and much more According to authors E.Evan ,P.Ashworth .the wireless device are increase in dramatic way and number of user to communicate , interact on the move, there is a survey showing that right now there is least One billion wireless are subscribes and soon will be increase to twice the amount now (P.Ashworth and E.Evans ,) There are so many user are subscribe and using the WAP. With help of WAP people are getting the same usual format option as exactly From A personal Computer but these are depends on our convenience and so this will lead to big revolution of the internet in the mobile device and change the traditional way of accessing the internet .Eventually public will notice the real impact of WAP devices how it will change the way of accessing internet and they would know the benefits of using this technology , more user will subscribes to network and it will start to grow on numerous way on a new form of communication because it will start using the new will get start using the new technology and they will reply on the advantage ( Frerrel, ZOO ) In Karli Watsons book (beginning WAP) . when we considering development of the todays communication world some factors are comes first but wireless communication having big impact and revolution over the public and number of users are incredibly increasing at a dramatic amount of subscribing are using and amount of data interchanging in speed at which we access the business and another uses . In less than ten year time it will have a tremendous amount of development from initial level of the internet user from the traditional network But there was a doubt on the factor of reliability and usability of the WAP access, On 2000 Ramsay and Neilson have noted in their book that the WAP is not really functional and popular now but it will be score a good reputation and developed system after 2001.Due to scale of operation grows it will led more difficulties observation. To learning Unified model language (UML) introduce will helps and leads as work along with language focused in this book , the author help to keep the clear view on the UML language and help to protect in the cobwets of methodoly. Fred R.Mcfadden and Jeffery A.Hoffer, , are interest on information resource management (IRM) are here to consider as normal way we do with everyday methods ,equipment . in other word the matter of information is a superior component and business resource and must has to treat as other asset such as student , things and etcs. Mcload and Brittain , are suggesting the basic ideas of IRM from their point of view According Ian Summervilles book is focused at student who undertaking the project in under graduation and graduate at software engineering . they have least know and done some fundamental engineering course such as programming languages . This book is full of general and basic idea of new update on some important topics such as , dependable system , requirement engineering, and architecture design. 1.4 Analysis from Literature Review This application is to designed to track the Stock Market status report through WAP enable device . the idea of this application is to provide a service for the user to check their desirable company stock rate on the particular date and a response will send back to user using programmed database and techniques. The main purpose for this application was to reducing time , developing the reliability and efficiency of use when comparing with current application or system . According to the Ramsay and Neilson personal view of WAP and they believed that WAP had a very big impact on the todays technology that we been using ever since it introduces of the this system in the market .it had a breakthrough with other opponent technology but it still had better critics among with other technology P.Ashworth, E.Evans were best authors where keen to know about the feature of mobile communication , actually both were intended to show in their book , to tell what is the feature of M-commerce as of from this decades to next decades development opportunities. M-commerce is the combination of the traditional web system and the wireless connection, Farrell were interested in studying the future of WAP technology to access the internet on mobile service and tried to explain the benefits of this system over people to use their mobile device to access the web browser or internet , even as our todays live is becoming more amd more difficult by day after day so technology might have to help the problem with changing it same system or service for instance ,internet is access from system which through traditional network but would change it technology and developed into wireless internet that is possible by the WAP technology . But according to Ian Somerville in their book Software Engineering ,they had a new form of ideas to develop and view a project by eight different parts which include an brief intro to software engineering , application designing , coding , validation and verifications , critical systems ,managements and software evaluation .this book also covers the system distribution architecture , and software development .the critical software system in consisted and integrated with the reliability , accessiably , security and avaliabilty so these are mentioned as a different topics. Jeffery A. Hoofer and Fred R. McFadden in thier book Modern Database Management they were talked about the database in a larger sector how the larger context of information resource are stored and manage in a dedicated database . In other hand Craig mentioning about the life cycle of the software and he says that UML depends on the different life cycle development model i.e. Spiral Model , Incremental Model and finally Waterfall Models , UML is depends upon the object oriented programming paradigm . so I am using one of the best model software life cycle model which Watetfall models. 2.1 Aims The ultimate aim of this project to create and build a stock market quote that allows the user to quote the stock company and accessing these are all done by selecting appropriate option on the device to have a customer needs. And there will a database is designed for the data to processed from the user and they able to pass their won information. 2.2 Objectives The objectives in project will be divided into two different informant categories ,in each category will further divided into subsection so that each and every phase will be individually discussed and this will lead to achieve a best possible end result of the Final product . Design based objective: Design based objective actually it involved in idea for framework the specified requirement for the user needs. It will really help the consumer and design from business prospect to achieve the best possible result . To build a system following key point must accomplished Modelling the system from requirement specification Implementing the requirement specification of the system using appropriate development tool Of course , testing ,evaluation and debugging the protocol against the system requirement . A created database will be use as a model for this project instead using the stock market databases Research based objectives: In order to give up- to- date software or system . we must have to be focus and to certain to changes will happened on the current system in terms in future development and challenges and often happened in the software industry. There are some of important ways for getting the software awareness by following few steps By examining people who using the daily basis and observe main fact toward the stock market assessment involves by taking surveys and feedback on the web pages usability Offering alternative or current option available to stock exchange quote and their mentioning their advantage and drawback. 2.3 Software Life Cycle and Methodology for the Project Software life cycle which related to our daily life process and it filters all process over each and every stage in our life. It is pretty commonly known fact that relation pound exits between the product class and process quality is directly equal to the result of the Product is created . the software development is neither inevitable nor efficient to produce good piece of product ,but it is also very ease to keep your product as it is . A software life cycle for the project is model used to describes the phase or stage which a software development goes through . there is other way we can also describes a software life cycle models as A software life cycle is vision of the perspective active that happens during software development [REF 5] . these factors were helping us to understand and improve the basic characteristics and activities of the software life cycle The software life cycle is best way to describe overall process involved in the project. Some important processes are described below. Help the project manager to keep the project on the track Describes the basic function that are excepted through the Project to per perform in period of software development Describes the major stage or phase of the software development Provides a general outlook od details tasks so that the we will know the every process involves in software development This Project is development by the waterfall model. Waterfall model is method used for software development process ,it goes through serious of precious step by step method and process is looks as like as waterfall .The advantage of using the waterfall modal is we can organized ,chronological approach to software develop of our projects than beginning at system level and download to next steps .forward through software development in analysis, testing, coding and management . If the software is developed for large scale system so the effects need established for all system fundamental level and assign some division of particular tasks requirement through of software.. 2.3.1 Waterfall Model: Waterfall is commonly used and adopted in software development field . From the Waterfall Model the software development is very simple and straight forward. The software development will simple as it iluustrated diagram and it says that will easier as ever before from any model . actually Waterfall model is designed to develop the software as simple method of order of segments as figure illustrated below, every segments and stage or phase are put into a distinct goals so that the any segments contributed to a software development are achieved successfully. Software Requirement In software development it is vital to gathering requirement of the software and analysis process is very important for a Software based project to build up and focus of the software .In order to know the nature of the program itself to built, one should understand and analysis the requirement of the software and domain need. To gather the requirement we have form and fellow a simple method with some of topic needed to clarified in order to get started this Project. Design a software Software designing naturally is a major and complex step process. To achieve a design process successful we have to interprets requirement into representation of the software. There so many reason and factor get the error on the software design. Coding/ Programming The designing a software which involves in varies of area to accomplished to form in machine-readable . so code generation is takes place in this step. In this step we actually test the code of our project. System evaluation/Testing Once the coding has done, the testing process begins. In this step it will point out any thing on the consist and logical parts of software to make suer which the given statements are correct and it have been tested. And another important part of test is function external testing and it is carried out to make sure that defined input statement will pass and produces actual result Maintenance Any changes or an error could happened. Once the Product has reached the end user which is the consumer . so it is important for a software to adopt into the real world use .the conditions of changes might happen on both side of the parties for instance If the consumer would like to change the option available on the current system by any chance. So it is vital for software development to maintain all the option and feature are must to be up-to-date Project Management Project management activities which involves in schedules ,planner, organization and creating tasks and document like Risk plan, SRS, configuration management and software development plan were produced .so for my Project i decides to use Work Breakdown System as project management 2.4 Work Breakdown System (WBS) WBS is a break down system which is commonly used method in all computer project to achieve all tasks in the project to produce to one workable system. With help of this sort of methodology which help our project to on the right track . in our case to produce a WAP based system to stock market on the mobile devices. 3 Problem definitions Someone who is travelling or is away from their workplace, it is often not possible to gain access from a fixed internet enabled device. But in home environment we would able to access to internet via the local network . Mobile devices are playing major in todays communication world and it becoming very usual and common thing just seem for time. This seem like without this one might thing like a breakdown in the milestone of the telecommunication in this time . Good thing is almost all of latest mobile phones and devices are embedded with WAP-enable so this encourage the user to use this kind of services and the connection are made device by connecting to server which is provided by the network service provider, so therefore provide a service which keep market users, , who spend a proportion of their typical day in the process of accessing to the stock market and tracking on market , latest informed of stock variation, stock quotes, as well as price detailed, trading status, current company news profile . The big question is whether, there is a potential large scale need for such type of service by the stock market. Stock market information is not easily available perhaps unless you are make a phone request or log on to the Internet; and while on the move it is often very difficult to get internet access without a WAP enabled mobile phone or PDA. It is quite simple to imagine that technology is backbone of todays modern world, in this technology world the most important rule is played by the Software System. Almost everyone have to come across with the modern technology every day after day. But few technology development have made tremendous implement with presenting a new form of application performance , attached feature and way of interaction between the user and system these systems are really capable of do anything form a low- level basic need like TV remote to highly sophisacted and sensitive system like Bank transaction these all designed for one single purpose make life easier. Wired communication systems have as their main disadvantage the lack of mobility; wireless systems have the big advantage of supporting mobility of system use. In this modern world technology are getting even better ,not only in technology also in way of communication are now .The development of the mobile internet, mobile devices, applications and the provision of services such as the one proposed here attract considerable attention and effort in these time; there were number of studies and research going to find an efficient mobile internet for mobile phones and other wireless devices One general requirement to ensure that the security of client there are variety of virus and attacker are waiting to corrupt or stole our data from us . so it important to guide the user to access the relevant information easy and rapid . there are two way for safe surf on the mobile internet Allow the user to surf the particular market report on the relevant web site on the micro-browser To allow data streaming to capture the information on the mamory User interface is another issue in mobile device ,due it small screen it just display very few information in simple manner . Brief product description: It is a client-server based application which will support multi-client. For example: User will input share company the which will be send as a request and the server should respond by sending the real time stock market value of the company share has traded over the previous 40 weeks It should be simple, with a suitable user interface and little user inputs so that the result is obtained the as soon as possible It should also support push services, where certain stockholder will be automatically alerted on their mobile should any changes in the service status occurs. The server should automatically push the information to the specific registered mobile users. Deliverables and Development Requirements To successful completion of the project the following items in list will be given in the final submission A hardcopy of the Project final report A softcopy of the Project final report A turnitin copy of the document Program code on the CD Software and development requirement used document Development requirement of the system are: MySQL Server Windows Vista Nokia series Designing a Application from user point of view. As stock quote is never easy before computer start to serve the user demand ,as a stock market person has to know the rate of the stock till up to date but these are possible by Internet as simple as single click you would know the value from past record to till now . In the period when the computer are not as personal computer those days the person itself has to find the stock value through Walk-in to the local newsagent to buy NEWS paper or Television or even Radio but this media were not that reliable as todays technology which Internet, computer ,wireless. But technology start to change the way of stock market working from the traditional method . However our aim is to provide a reliable method for a person to access the stock market condition as easy as possible by using it. So we have to design a application which will server the user need in simple way .,to fulfil there need as application designer has to thing generously from user point of view. Some of the questions are stri ked Is this application or service are able to served the user needs or it just focus on business prospective . Is the user getting any useful and benefit from the application or web page is been designed . How reliable is this application whether is based on other source or direct information from the stock company User interface is most important part for a application ,it must has to be easy to user to use . To design the WAP application we have to gather relevant information or opion from stock holders who really would get benefit from this WAP application as a user. I managed to contact two persons who using the computer to keep to know stock market rate. Their ultimate demand is that interface must has to simple and provide the useful information as simple as possible like simple graph, etc. So the application is designed to help the user so interface has to simple but not to find how to use it, this will leads poor impression on the application. However everyone has different thoughts from thinging of what they want to make them comfortable well i concluded the thoughts of stock market users what do they want the application has to appear and help them to easy way of tracking the current value of the stock market. Ease of use: As a normal user cannot read manual, particularly for some simple service like sending a message, so if they cannot know how to use the application ,they get frustrated and tent to leave the application altogether. That means if the application is not fully intuition, then people will get stuck and we might lose them forever. The user will not come to figure out how to get the application to work .Another ease of use factor is the difficulty of getting to a URL. When designing a software for certain purpose where the user could get useful by that . The software itself has to serve the purpose that made up for what .There is major role for design a application how it will become useable by user. However ,if the users goal and the applications are not same ,there may be a problem . for example user want to know the previous stock market rate and average of the rate by performs of the particular company stock from past fifteen days data report , in order to plan for feature plan and to analysis on the market .And if my application only provide the stock value for the past seven days ,in this case the application is not provide the solution to the user demand. To provide the full potential of the application to user by developing or designing the option in the application as simple as possible o obtain the what is wanted to use by the user. For instance If user if user is holding stock in five major companies shares ,for him or his need to see the top companies which he or she interested should show at first place instant of thousands of company from the list . So in here we deploying the user reliable context to reduce complex problem into simple solution. We can able to attract the user or customer to use our application or provide. The application must have to provides critical inf